Tell me Ole doesn't have an agenda against Jose signings

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Told he wasn't part of Ole's system and was sent to Inter. Our best attacker and the numbers show it.

Yes he flopped, but if you're telling me you keep Dan James over him youre out of your mind.

Was completely frozen out this season by Mctalentless. As soon as he comes back into the team he becomes an integral part of our starting Xl. Ole getting it wrong to support our yoof again. Imagine that.

The worst instance of them all. A far superior player than the tackle merchant and is the clubs best fullback by far. Cant get minutes against lesser teams and is benched for yoof again. Disgusting treatment. Wanted by PSG and Barca. Levels.

Although he cant keep fit for shit I'd take him over the fridge any day. Ole would never drop his captain. I wont blame Ole for fitness on this one. Our 2nd best CB behind Lindelof. Behind Smalling if he returns.

Our best CB aside Smalling imo. Constantly the scapegoat for Maguire playing like shit. Doesnt deserve the shit he deals with. This fanbase is so focused on Englishness that he's forced to take the fall alongside De Gea to cover Ole's captain.

Another sacrifice for Mctalentless. Don't rate him all that much, but he went from a constant in the Xl to never being seen. Toss up on his treatment under Ole for me.
I'll leave Lee Grant off of this because he should never have been at this club to begin with and doesnt play. Seems like a clear bias to me. Shipping out proven players for unproven youth is 100% Oleball. Standards drop by the day. #OleOut
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