i'm sorry but the rhetoric of certain groups of afab people being "included" or "excluded" by radical faminism is completely fucking asinine lol.
radical feminism is a system of thought and activism that aims to affect change in the world. it's an ideology based in material class analysis. it's not an identity you put in your twitter bio when what you mean is "libfem but make it edgy"
reproductive rights, abolishing the sex industry, ending sex-based & sexual violence, ending male dominance in every damn aspect of society: that's radical feminism & it aims to benefit every afab person regardless of identity, politics or whether they're palatable to you.
to illustrate: when i march for abortion rights i march for right wing fundamentalist women, i march for trans men, i march for my ex-girlfriend who abused me. because they ALL share the potential to need access to legal & safe abortion. and they ALL deserve it.
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