Normal people: I can’t sleep. What will tomorrow bring?
Me: I can’t sleep. Is Amahl Farouk a separate entity from the Shadow King?

Let’s find out together, shall we?
Uncanny 117
Xavier meets Farouk post-Korean War. They battle on the astral plane and Xavier appears to kill Farouk. At this point, Farouk is simply a very powerful telepath. Nothing more.
NM 31-34
SK has possessed Karma. Shows the power to telepathically enslave others simultaneously.
Ororo recognizes SK inside of Karma. SK confirms Xavier killed Farouk so SK/Farouk (unclear here is they are different or one and the same) fled to the astral plane, which he does again after battling Karma for her body.
Uncanny 253
SK possesses Jacob Reisz. Forge loses his cybernetic hand to SK on the astral plane. SK introduces himself as Amahl Farouk.
Uncanny 255
SK/Jacob Reisz begins searching for the de-aged Storm, revealing himself to hospital staff.
Uncanny 257 & 259
Storm is on the run from SK/Reisz who is now also controlling Dr. Lian Shen. Legion uses Cerebro and injures everyone in the room when he makes contact with SK, pictured as Farouk.
New Mutants 88 & 89
Rahne, Rictor & Cable suspect Moira isn’t acting like herself
Excalibur 21 & 22
On Earth 2122, Farouk is Shadow King of the Hellfire Club. He uses Mastermind to transform Jean into his Shadow Queen. First look at his more demonic, sharp toothed appearance. He escapes.
Uncanny 265
SK/Reisz seems to have enslaved Val Cooper, sends her to kill Mystique. He also turns a group of yuppies into hounds to hunt Storm. Says he wants to hurt those closest to Xavier for revenge.
Uncanny 266
SK/Reisz’s plan is foiled when a doofy thief named Gambit gets involved. Val also appears to kill Mystique at SK’s command.
Uncanny 267
SK/Reisz sends Lian Chen & the Hounds after Stormy & Gambit, who kick Lian & co’s butts and send them packing.
Uncanny 269
Mystique is reported dead by Val Cooper who deputizes SK/Reisz. SK reveals to Captain Marvel that he controls everyone on Muir Isle including Legion.
Uncanny 273
Banshee notices Moira isn’t herself. Jean Grey encounters SK while using Cerebro. SK uses the demonic form we first saw in Excalibur. Psylocke has to rescue her. Editor’s Note says “AS Amahl Farouk” ... suggests possession like Reisz, yes?
Uncanny 277
As Xavier is saved in space, SK takes control of Colossus in order to attack Stevie Hunter
Kings of Pain pts 3 & 4
New Mutants & New Warriors go up against the SK controlled Muir Island cast. X-Factor joins as a new Proteus is defeated.
Muir Island Saga Pt 1
Shadow King is pictured in his true demonic form, relishing the hatred of humanity from a cosmic perspective. Appears to multiple characters in this form.
Muir Island Saga Pt 2
Charles traps a possessed Colossus in the Danger Room to recreate his first encounter with SK. Amahl Farouk is explicitly referred to as a “form” a “body” and most importantly a “corporeal host.” Strongest indicator yet that Amahl & SK aren’t the same being
Muir Island Saga Pt 3
Xavier reunites w the O5 as chaos reigns on Muir Isle. SK’s plan to have Legion kill all of the island’s residents before killing Charles is complicated by Val who turns out to have been Mystique. She shoots SK/Reisz in the head, Legion blows up the island.
Muir Island Saga Pt 4
With Reisz dead, SK moves into Legion as a host, battles Xavier on the astral plane, and is ultimately defeated (final disappation) when Forge uses Psylocke’s psychic knife to sever SK’s link to Polaris who was being used to amplify his powers.
X-Men 77
Storm returns to Africa with the X-Men where they’re confronted by Ananasi, Psylocke stabs this “god” with her psychic knife and it reveals itself to be the Shadow King
X-Men 78
SK reveals that after Onslaught he was able to come back since Xavier wasn’t protecting the astral plane anymore. Psylocke captures the “psionoc equivalent of a [SK’s] soul” losing her telepathy in the process.
X-Men 78 also features Joe Kelly having Shadow King utter this line:
Wolverine 147
While trying to stabilize both Wolverine and Angel from the effects of Apocalypse during The Twelve, the “soul” of SK re-emerges briefly. Warren steps in and saves Psylocke before she releases SK.
X-Men True Friends
Kitty & Rachel time travel to 1936 where Amahl Farouk is working for Hitler but really just trying to take over the world. Wolverine is in this and somehow already has his claws? The heroes stop him.
X-Treme X-Men Annual 1
Since Psylocke died and imprinted on Rogue, SK haunts her into thinking he was controlling Destiny throughout her life. SK makes Rogue his Shadow Queen (complete w gross smooch!) before she puts that thing back where it came from (so help me!)
Citizen V and the Battalion: The Everlasting 2
SK/Farouk has a cameo here where he helps telepathically find a guy
New Excalibur 8
SK returns, hosted by another timeline’s Xavier. SK escaped to the other timeline when Psylocke died, then found his way back because of M-Day. Betsy gives Xavier an aneurysm and then disappears! SK explicitly says there is ONLY ONE of him in all realities.
New Excalibur 19
Shadow-X (SK’s evil alt-reality X-Men) try to give SK a new host: Lionheart. It doesn’t work because of a collar that traps SK in the Xavier body so SK should die with the host body. Lionheart stabs SK/Xavier.
X-Men Worlds Apart 1
SK returns and controls both Gentle and Black Panther before confronting Storm
X-Men Worlds Apart 2
SK controls both Cyclops and Black Panther and presents Storm with a quandary - Save Wakanda or the X-Men? Storm blows up the SR-71 from all the way in Wakanda then fights Dora Milaje with Gentle.
X-Men Worlds Apart 3
Storm kicks the crud out of SK/T'Challa, freeing her husband of SK. Then she tells off the Panther God and heads off to save Scott.
X-Men Worlds Apart 4
Storm kicks the crud out of SK/Scott. SK tries to take Storm as his host but the Panther god eats him. Yum. SK says "I survived the death of my own body," suggesting he at least once had one (!) - but who if not Farouk?
Uncanny X-Force 8
SK possesses the UXF team in an attempt to nuke Utopia. Psylocke battles SK. SK tries to free Archangel's dark side, who promptly kills SK. SK is referred to and appears as Farouk or his demonic appearance throughout.
Uncanny X-Force 10
Now I'm completely confused. SK in Amahl Farouk (!) is walking around again - nbd - to hand off info to a reporter about the events of UXF 8. No explanation whatsoever about how he got this body back, which he has not had since *checks notes* Uncanny 117. . .
Uncanny 275
Mags claims to have battled SK as his power is siphoned to Zaladane. Don't believe this has ever been followed up on.
All-New Handbook to the Marvel Universe contends that Shadow King is "allegedly a multiversal manifestation of the dark side of human consciousness, spawned by the first nightmare" "transferring from host to host since the dawn of humanity" also describes Farouk as a "mutant"
The older Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #17 summarizes UXM117 and the NM arc. Suggests Amahl Farouk is SK and a mutant. (1987 vs 2006 in previous tweet)
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