THREAD: REFUTING ISIS (Why fighting ISIS is an Obligation)

The so-called "Islamic State" is neither Islamic nor a state, but rather a deviant group of gangsters driven by anger, hatred, and a thirst for power, using Islam as a pretense to reach their goals. Members of...

...ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) are nominally Muslims, they have in fact left Sunni Islam due to the beliefs they hold and the horridcrimes they have deemed permissible in contradiction to Islamic law.

ISIS ideology of "Islam versus the rest"reflect an "us versus them" mentality and not the "right versus wrong". ISIS uses Islam and fanciful notions of jihad to recruit the youth and deceive Muslims around the world who feel oppressed by conjuring dreams of establishing...

an Islamic State that would protect their interests. ISIS have an underlying goal that we should never allow to happen: to provoke the West against the Muslim world thus giving legitimacy to their fight and an impetus for angry Muslims to join their cause.

They (ISIS) have committed three heinous acts:

(i) revolting against the Muslim community, rulers, as well as the public.
(ii) anathematizing the majority of Sunni Muslims.


...(iii) considering the spread of injustice and corruption across the land by killing, wanton destruction, and plundering as permissible.


•There is strong parallel between ISIS and the Khawarij of the early days of Islam. The Khawarij are...

...a sect which appeared in the first century of Islam and have manifested throughout the centuries since. It deviated from main stream Islam and was known for killing Muslims under allegations of takfir, which means accusing a Muslim of becoming an apostate.

The extreme practices of ISIS are a direct result of the breaking of the undeclared authority of the Sunni doctors (the 4 Imams) of law. The authority of the Imams was interrupted by the rise of political Islamic which often adopted a Salafist approach in the course of...

...their rebellion against the authority of the Ulama (scholars) whom they consider an obstacle to the establishment of their own Islamic state and the classical institutions of Sunni Islam.

Ideology of ISIS that contribute to its extremist views and...

...practices are derived from Sayyid Qutb's works and the hard-line Muslim Brotherhood(MB) movemen and may have stemmed from the Salafi movement.


Regarding Muslims, ISIS suffices to emphasize that in its eyes the only real Muslims are those...

...who are ISIS-affiliated; Muslims who do not become a part of them are one of following categories: apostates (murtaddun), disbelievers (kuffar), idolaters (tawaghit), rejectionist Shiites (Rafida), or polytheists (mushrikun), supported by crusaders, Jews, heretics, etc.

Hence, their binary worldview, their strategic roadmap of chaos, and their views toward other muslims, we can see clearly that they are not up holding the Prophetic methodology.
Prophetic methodology:
The Messengerof Allah ﷺ established the first Islamic State of Medina...

...following the covenant of Medina and it included non-Muslims, even Jewish tribes.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ merely spent 200 days (less than a year) on war in his twenty three years of invitation to Islam.

Atrocities of ISIS (Impermissible in Shari'ah)

1. Ruthless beheading of American journalist, James Foley.
2. ISIS massacred over 700 members of the Sha'itat tribe in the Deirez-Zor province in August 2014 for simply resisting ISIS takeover of their land.

3. Tragic case of the American aid worker Abdur Rahman Kassig who was executed by ISIS.
4. Burning Mushms alive as in the case of the Jordanian pilot Muathal-Kasasbeh.
5. Killing a number of scholars, imams, and Friday speakers in Syria and Iraq for no reason other than...

...their adherence to classical Sunni doctrine as represented by the Ash'ari and Maturidi theological schools.
6.Destroying mosques, pillaging graves, and dishonoring the sanctity of Allah and the sanctity of the living. ISIS has been responsible for the razing of many...

...mosques and tombs, most notably, those of the Prophet Yunus عليه السلام (Jonah) and the Prophet Daniyaal عليه السلام (Daniel) in Mosul, Iraq.
7. Destroying churches and other houses of worship. The Shariah has obligated Islamic leadership to protect churches,...

...synagogues, temples, and other houses of worship under its dominion.

ISIS only consider themselves to be true followers of Islam, and have already anathematized anyone who fights them and anathematized the Muslim rulers andanyone who give allegiance to these rulers.

In fact, they deem anyone who opposes them to be a disbeliever. ISIS is not concerned with harm befalling on Muslims across the world as a result of their actions, nor are they concerned about people turning away from Islam.

The followers of ISIS do not care about the sanctity of human life, pacts of peace with non-Muslims, nor the bond of fraternity with Muslims.

Muslim youth must not let despair or revenge lead you to being deceived by ISIS andjoining it.ISIS only wants to subjugate,...

...enslave and humiliate you by using the name of religion instead of dictatorship or socialism.


Abu Dharr رضي الله عنه narrated that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, said, "Truly after me there is[an in another wording "there shall be"] from my nation...

...a ...a people who read the Quran though it does not pass their throats. They shall pass out of the religion just as an arrow passes out of the prey and shall never return to it. They are the worst of both men and animals."
[ Sahih Muslim vol. 3 p. 116].

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri رضي الله عنه and Anas b. Malik رضي الله عنه narrated that the
Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "There shall be in my nation
difference and disunion, a people who speak wondrously but
act poorly, who recite the Quran though it does not pass their throats.

...They shah pass out of the religion just as an arrow passes
out of the prey. They shall not return until it returns to its
nocking point [i.e., theywillnever return].They are the worst
of both men and animals. Glad tidings to whoever kills them and
whom so ever they kill.

...They call to the book of Allah though
they do not belong to it in the slightest. Whoever fights them is
closer to Allah than them." The Companions said, "O Messenger
of Allah! What is their distinguishing feature?" He said, "Head
[al-Musnad Vol.3 p 224]

25/n Cont.

Ibn Taymiyya said, "The predecessors of the Muslim Nation and their imams agreed upon fighting them."

Ibn Hubayra said, "Indeed fighting the Khawarij is more necessary than fighting the polytheists, for in fighting them there is...

...preservation of the core of Islam."

ISIS figure, Kamal Zarruq, who said in a Friday sermon delivered in Tel Abyad, south of Syria, openly expressing disbelief and shamelessly insulting the Prophet "If Muhammad ﷺ was with us he would have joined ISIS."

Fighhting the group known as ISIS is a communal obligation (fard kifayya) upon Muslims.

[All the text used in thread has been extracted from the book Refuting ISIS by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi]

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