Police came to our church last night while my sons lead worship for our youth group in response to a neighbor’s complaint that we violated California law on church gatherings. Officer saw we were outside, masked, & distanced while singing & he commended us and told us to proceed.
2/ So, b/c we met outside and followed Covid-19 rules for church mtgs, the police, when called upon by neighbor to shut down our biblical mandate to proclaim the gospel and assemble together, instead said we were doing well and please continue while neighborhood heard us worship.
3/ Now, this is in SF North Bay, in California, where it’s being said by some that the church can’t meet. We CAN meet. And when the police were sent out to stop us, they showed up, saw what was going on, and thanked us for doing it well. They didn’t stop us. And praise continued.
4/ I commended my sons and our assoc. pastor for continuing to worship God, proclaim gospel, assemble together, AND follow guidelines even when they had NO idea anyone would see or police would come. Their heart was to obey God AND honor the law. Neither was a burden. Character.
5/ Our church meets every Sunday morning outside w/ 2 worship services, singing, preaching. We wear masks and distance. Neighbors are beginning to visit. People walk by on the busy street and stop to listen. Last night the police were called and said, “Keep going.” In California.
6/ We’ve built relationships w/ county supervisors and local authorities. They’ve affirmed. Ministry opportunities are opening. We’ll not compromise our call to gather in worship, but we’re also making every effort to follow state rules as a witness so we can tell a better story.
We didn’t break the law. We followed the law. The police commended us. The neighbor misunderstood the law. A misguided complaint ≠ the law. We have made every effort to follow the law and other neighbors have thanked us for doing so. Please read the whole thread.
I’m not frustrated. You have misread the thread. We are meeting to worship together outside, following the law, and all is well. And we will keep going.
It is on Sunday morning. We have a lot of folks who can’t come because they are immuno-compromised so we continue to broadcast on YouTube while also meeting together in person.
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