Test run thread. T4T (Trans & nonbinary folks ONLY)
No cis folks please (any commenting will have replies hidden)
If u're trans & interested in potentially meeting another trans person & dating them at some point, drop a few words about yourself below.
Consider this a little like the TransFollow threads, only this time, instead of just making new twitter friends & gaining follows, the other folks commenting r letting each other know that they're here because they're interested in maybe meeting for real at some point for a date.
You all know I'm cis so I'm not here 2 participate. Just hosting it because my block list huge, I can boost it & you. It'll be like the follow threads, no transphobes will find this via my account & I'll hide any cis folks who might be tempted to comment. That's it for my part.

No minors please.
For the shy folks. If u like someone on the thread, but u're too shy to reach out, u can DM me. Just let me know "I'm interested in that person" and if you'd like, I will send them a message for u, like an introduction & then you both take it to DMs if u'd want too ok? Up to you.
Ace/Aro folks: You can use this thread to find each other. Please don't feel like this isn't also for YOU, because it is. Join in if you'd like ok fam? ❤️
You can follow @BellaRizinti.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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