S = What SERIOUS causes and complications do I need to make the patient aware of?
A = What ALTERNATIVE diagnoses do I need to make the patient aware of?
F = What specific FINDINGS do I need to make the patient aware of that would mandate the need for a medical re-Ax?

E = What EARLY/atypical presentations of serious illnesses do I need to make the patient aware of?

R = What RED FLAG symptoms and signs do I need to make the patient aware of?
Nice video from our GP colleagues + clinical reasoning + use of clinical systems to aid this.

Documented actions/concerns with specific followup actions.

Safetynet cues + active monitoring
Principal features of safety netting include:
• Providing information for patients
• Empower patients to recognise Red Flags and seek timely and appropriate health care
• Advice on how and where to seek help if Red Flags develop
• Likely natural Hx and time scale of illness
If patient 'reticent to ‘bother’ the clinician' SN should include plans for follow-up as well as important administrative aspects, such as the communication of test results and management of hospital letters. (Jones et al 2019)

Important during COVID

Fails to improve/changes. Specific vs general safety-netting in primary care

via @BJGPjournal @capcbristol

-Rare to provide written advice
-specific (specific new symptoms+sign/set time period/action)
-generic (gets worse/persist/unwell/concerns vs no time period).
- Return location advice
-<50% documentation even when given
(some limitations in study)
RE Watchful Wait (mini learning point)

'Symptoms resolve or become more florid' 

Florid definition: fully developed : manifesting a complete and typical clinical syndrome

CC @_lewadam
#TherapyLive webinar by @CombatSportPhys via @TPMPodcast / @LearningwithTLC facilitated by @thomas_jesson

HT: @_lewadam

Managing risk, levels of concern and index of suspicions
'What's your Patter' clear language 
Previous similar discussion
HT @k8purcellphysio

HT @PhilCharlesBar 
Example of clear Safety-Netting advice sheet via @NICEComms

What to expect, what to look out for and what to do/how quickly to do it?
@taylorstoronto @RandevPawan @GatewayC_ @cancerressearchuk @CRUKHCPs

"explored safety netting patients with suspected cancer and the particular challenges posed by COVID-19"

HT @ChrisMartey
You can follow @GatesPhysio.
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