Article dump thread.

I will post here articles I read about the Beirut explosion, its significance, causes, and repercussions, with quick summaries.

I will keep adding more articles to the thread as I read them.
8- in the New York Times, @warghetti relays hers personal experience with the blast, and realizes that these things have been with us since her childhood, all because of the same entrenched and corrupt politician warlords, who needs to be held to account
9- NYT reporter @VivianHYee, who had written about her experience of being take care of in Beirut after the explosion ( was on The Daily podcast today. Turn on the volume to listen to the sample below from her testimony about Lebanese resilience.
12- In Foreign Policy, @OzKaterji sees many similarities with the Chernobyl disater, and alas, “like Chernobyl, it is almost guaranteed that none of the men truly responsible for this catastrophe will ever face justice for their crimes.”
14- In a Leader in the latest issue, @TheEconomist newspaper asks:

“What kind of government leaves a mountain of explosive chemicals lying around unsafely for the better part of a decade?”
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