did yall forget that France is still extorting 14 Afrikan nations out of $500B annually?
These 14 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon (1/?)
France forced its former colonies, specifically CFA franc countries, to put 65% of their foreign currency reserves into the French Treasury, plus another 20% for financial liabilities - thus leaving them access to only 15% of their own money.
If they need more money, they have to borrow money from France at commercial rates.
France also has the first dibs to buy any natural resources. The Afrikan countries are also not allowed to seek other partners freely as the preference is given to French interests and companies.
France has the right & authority to deploy troops and intervene in the said Afrikan countries to defend France’s interests. Under the conditions of defense agreements and the Colonial Pact, France is able toto intervene militarily in the said 14 Afrikan countries—
and also deploy its troops permanently on their military bases.
France also has the right to supply and train Afrikan soldiers and, on France's command, to commit a coup d'etat or any political disturbance inside Afrika.
The Afrikan countries are prohibited from entering into any military alliance with any other nation without France approval. Additionally, they are also obligated to ally with France during a situation of war.
These 14 Afrikan nations are obligated to make France an official language of the country and in their education system.
In conclusion, FUCK FRANCE
postcolonialism doesn’t apply to the slave.
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