First, we can see from her Instagram post that this picture was on April 2, 2020 after she had been sick for 2 weeks. She lost 9 lbs, horrible headaches, shortness of breath like an elephant was on her chest. No word on why her glasses are big enough to fit an elephant.
So, by her account, she was sick from March 19, 2020 through at least the date of the picture. Wouldn't it be cool if there was a video on Twitter showing her condition at the time? Absolutely. Wouldn't it be better if there were two? Indubitably. Three? Be still my beating heart
On March 24, 2020, Milano tweeted that she would be having a TalkShopLive on March 31, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. PST. Screenshot + link to tweet:
Here is the actual video from the 3/24/2020 tweet. This is 5 days after she says her infection began.
Fast forward to March 31, 2020, and Milano invites everyone to her TalkShopLive again. She states it was that day and hopes everyone joins her. Screenshot + link to tweet:
Here is a link to the TalkShopLive. At the time of writing this tweet, I have listened to 32 minutes of the 59 minute video. I'm about to puncture my eardrums with an ice pick and I think I now have cancer from listening to it. 
In the video, she does have sniffles, but she says it is allergies. Doesn't appear to be any shortness of breath, coughing, "general malaise," headache, short term memory loss, vomiting, or running to the bathroom to drop deuces. 🤷‍♂️ Just 59 minutes of inanity.
On the same day, she makes another video. Notice she is wearing the same clothing sans the ginormous glasses. Again doesn't appear to be any symptoms she described. Screenshot + link to tweet.
Did @Alyssa_Milano have COVID-19 on 3/31/20? Her videos don't seem to support it. Could she have her dates wrong? 🤷‍♂️

Or is she seeking attention and sympathy?
Hey, @OrdyPackard @PolitiBunny, check this out about 1/3 of the unholy trinity of idiocy.
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