The ancestors say 'Duality is false', the appearance of the universe - below and above, inside and outside, before and after, presence and absence.

You misunderstand. The universe is real. But it is not double. Because the two-dimensional does not exist.
The unit of existence is the triangle.
The appearance of the universe is double. The existence of the universe is triple. Because you've been looking for the hidden dimension all your life. Haven't you.

Because you know its there. Don't you.

Because you are three-dimensional. Aren't you.

Yes. Yes. Yes.
Duality is the appearance of existence from your corner of the universe. Because existence has three corners, and you are one of them. Because you are the universe.
The ancestors have called this:

The Radiance Of The Three-Pointed Star.
The Mystery Of The Trinity.
The Radius Of The Angle of Uniqueness.
The Holy Ghost.
The Magic of the Corner.
Your Third Eye.

It is the revelation of Triplicity.
You are the third dimension of Unity.
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