Seven years ago, in a paper, I described two medical world views:
Try first
Or trial first

Is it better to give it a shot-- when you have no evidence
Or better to test, to develop evidence, first?

I concluded that only trial first made sense
If we tested full dose anticoagulation, convalescent plasma, dex, toci, HCQ etc first-- we would have ended trials earlier, learning what works (dex) and what doesnt (toci, HCQ) sooner-- Some questions would already be answered (Anticoag & plasma) and not still uncertain
The failure here is a medical education failure

We teach medicine from the textbook

As the old quote goes, "History is written by victors"

The textbook gives the false idea that all medicine is incremental advances
The textbook omits all the false starts and grievous errors

We tried to resurrect that in Ending Medical Reversal

Studying those failures gives one a deep humility.

That humility makes one much more likely to be open to the idea that Toci does not help-- that HCQ may not work
In early April, I tried to point out that pre-test probability for these drugs is much more like this👇

This understanding lends itself to a 'trial first' and not 'try first' attitude, and comes from studying reversals
Every facet of medicine is full of reversals
Smart folks who think bioplausibility is sufficient, only to have their idea tested years later by brave investigators to have it blow up in their face

Here are a few more papers that make this point
If you read these articles & the book then the truth is inescapable.

Progress depends on randomization

If an intervention is not a parachute (spoiler, few are, and we know them ASAP), Randomization is a must
So, I fundamentally disagree that the most compassionate idea, the "what would you do if this were your loved one" idea is to try first

It is to test and prove it works.

I would enter myself or advise any loved one to participate in a well done, non conflicted...
RCT powered for a meaningful endpoint

It is not only the most ethical thing to do, it is the only stance to take when one considers the full picture of medical history
Another article on the topic of Covid, kitchen sink madness
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