Jungkook's exceptionally high emotional intelligence.

A thread in 10 parts.
PART 1 of EI: the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions

>He was aware of his negative emotions after an accident, accepted and processed them and then recognised that they are unproductive and unhelpful for bettering his situation.
PART 2 of EI: social awareness

>He recognises beneficiary aspects of being a part of a team despite any differences that the individuals of that team may be having.
PART 3 of EI: empathy

>From observing his hyungs he realizes their hardships which shows an ability to see things from other people's perspectives and sympathises with their struggles.
PART 4 of EI: capacity to place oneself in another's position

>For his song "Your Eyes Tell", Jungkook read the movie script and watched the unfinished edit of the movie then wrote another version of the song that matched the emotions of the fictional characters in the story.
PART 5 of EI: recognising emotional information to come to certain conclusions about others

>He recognises the fact that he himself might not be the person Yoongi will confide into during hardships, so he urges him to confide in the person he most trusts.
PART 6 of EI: the ability to inspire and influence others

>He offers emotional support and gives useful advice.
PART 7 of EI: maturity

>Despite entering one of the most cutthroat industries in the world at such a young age he navigated his life through all the obstacles to become the most giving, understanding and kind hearted young adult.
PART 8 of EI: the ability to manage emotions in a healthy way

>Embraces the fact that it's sometimes hard for him to "let go of things" so he takes proper steps to "let off some steam" in order to stay in harmony with one of his main principles (of living without regrets).
PART 9 of EI: utilizing past experience to guide further behaviour

>Jungkook uses every past mistake as a lesson to inspire making beter decisions in the future.
PART 10 of EI: introspecting one's unhelpful habits and adjusting to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s)

>He doesn't get swept away in distractions. Instead he sacrifices momentary pleasures in order to achieve a greater goal in the future (like improving his career).
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