why fic writers definitely DON’T need to accept or welcome constructive criticism and why positive reviews are beneficial; a thread
1. I’d say about 99.9% of readers aren’t professional editors or writers. Insisting that your constructive criticism is not only valid, but will help the writer improve, is absolute B.S. The only thing your poorly worded critic is doing is hurting the author’s confidence.
“But I’m a professional!!” “I only give constructive criticism with the intention of helping the author become better!” first of all. zip it. second of, that leads to my second point...
2. I’d say about 99.99% of fic writers aren’t professional writers. And if they are, they’re not writing fic for a professional reason, and they’re certainly not getting paid professionally. Why the fuck is there an expectation for us to “improve”?
“Oh, but there’s people out there who do!” Oh, for sure! And guess what? They’re going to tell you that they want feedback, and when I say feedback, I mean they’re going to say “I’d appreciate constructive criticism” and then, and only then, can you even begin to open your mouth.
3. Lower your fucking expectations. Seriously. I’m not going to say it’s “just fic” because for most people, it’s not. Many writers put their heart and soul into every word they write. But I’d say even with that, a lot of us do this as a hobby.
If you have these high ass expectations for how writers should regulate their writing, then go be a fucking editor and at least get paid to fucking do it and leave fic writers who are just trying to have fun the fuck alone.
4. Criticism of any sort is going to “stunt” (omfg don’t get me started on how the wording of that PISSES me off) the author a hell lot more than positive feedback is. How, you ask? Imagine this:
You read a fic, and this one part reeeeeally stands out to you - because it’s so good! And you scroll down to the comments, and tell the author that. “Oh, I really liked the wording of this part” “The emotional depth in this character was so amazing I cried”
The author reads this. They’re happy. They think to themselves: hey, I know these parts of really good, let me continue to write with this same kind of energy because that’s what people think is good. And boom, you’ve just helped an author grow using positive feedback. Easy.
5. Stop and consider the fact that maybe the author already knows what criticism you have for them? I know I certainly know the flaws in my own fics, ranging from stupid typos to insensible plot points or weak characters. I know, but I’m literally here for the fun.
There’s no reason for you to assume that an author doesn’t know that their fic has some faults to it - perfection doesn’t exist, and it certainly doesn’t when I (and many others) have an entire life outside of writing hundreds of thousands of words for free.
Overall: every writer (even “professionals”) have the choice to accept or decline constructive criticism - and whatever happens because of it (ie, we lose readers) is on us. A professional who’s in it for the money is going to care a lot more than my free fic writing ass.
Anyway, I invite any AUTHORS who have a perspective on this as an AUTHOR to give constructive feedback (lol), because I’m curious, and maybe I’m way off mark. Let me know.
PS: this is not a thread to hate on readers. Obviously writers love their readers, and I love all of you guys for being there and validating me (Lol) and it’s always a lot of fun :) Just think some people don’t understand some things, and I wish they would :(
PPS: also this is not to hate on writers who do like constructive feedback like I think that’s so cool of you and you’re doing amazing I love you 💕
okay before I go to bed a point I want to add that people reminded me of: calling out an author for writing something highly offending or problematic is a whole different ballgame. That’s not criticism; that’s addressing a bigger problem, bigger than fic writing.
also it’s been really nice reading your guys’ thoughts on everything and it’s nice to see that almost everyone agrees! Now don’t forget to leave kudos and comments on your favorite fics and have a lovely day :D
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