Alright, something happened last weekend that for the 1st time really emphasized something to me: being a first generation high school, college, and soon-to-be medical school graduate, means something.
I was sitting at a table with 4 other people, all young professionals, and not exactly sure what we were talking about, but when I said neither of my parents finished high school, there was a weird, awkward silence. Their parents were all doctors, engineers, architects, etc.
I was clearly “out of place” so-to-speak. They were talking about growing up going to the yacht club and I was feeling all kinds of awesome when I got a bike, age 12.
And honestly? In some things, I had surpassed them. None of them spoke 5 languages fluently, or had lived in 7 different countries, or traveled as much as I have. And it was definitely not for lack of opportunity.
But somehow I did it. Against the odds.

And you know what?

I’m proud of that.
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