I was talking to a friend yesterday about how hard it is for single people to talk about the loneliness of this pandemic, because it can be interpreted as, you know, not as significant as the challenges of parenting, etc.
I just want to say: If you're weathering this alone, even if you manage some distanced visits, I absolutely feel for you and for how hard it is, and I don't want you to feel like you can't talk about it. You can feel that, it's not ungrateful.
Every way of being in this situation has its mountains to climb. But I haven't touched a human since March. I don't have to parent, or share my space, and I can work at home, and I'm grateful for those things. But again, *since March*. Early March.
So just ... if this is your thing, if these are your challenges? I get it, and I know it's extraordinarily hard. And I'm thinking good thoughts for you. /fin
Apparently this requires clarification, so: If you love isolation, that's great and I'm happy for you. I'm not talking to you or about you, because not everything has to apply to everyone. Feel free to ignore any attempt at understanding that you don't need.
UPDATE: One of my dear pals called me (on the *telephone* like we're *pioneers*) to check in, just to make sure I was doing okay. It helps a lot when that happens, so don't be afraid to pick up that phone.
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