A kid was bawling his eyes out outside the 7-11 beside my place because they wouldn't let him in without a mask (he rode his bike there and forgot it).

I went into my glovebox, gave him a 3-pack I got from McDonald's a while back (🙄), bought his Slurpee and gummy worms, tightened the front brake line on his bike, and sent him on his way.

Well, instead of leaving, the kid goes right back inside and hands the clerk the other two masks and tells him "these are for anybody who forgets".

What a guy. ❤


I'm so happy that this young man has made so many of you smile today. ❤

I don't have anything personal to promote, but I do believe in compassion and kindness with all of my heart. We need it now more than ever.

Look out for each other. Listen to one another. And be kind.
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