If you have OCD, please open this thread ❤️
If anyone has ever belittled your disorder or your suffering, I’m so sorry. OCD sucks. Your pain is real.
You are not your thoughts. You have these scary thoughts because you’re a person who cares deeply about things and OCD goes after the things you care about. Your thoughts don’t define you.
You’re not alone. Approximately 2% of the population has OCD. Just because it isn’t talked about so much doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or isn’t as prevalent as it is. You aren’t broken.
It won’t be this bad forever. I promise. OCD will loosen its grip on you, your intrusive thoughts will become less frequent, your compulsions will become more manageable. I promise.
As ridiculous as it sounds, this is the best time to have OCD. So many people are studying it and have found really effective ways to treat it. We know so much more about it than we ever have. Help is out there. https://twitter.com/shiraisinspired/status/1287134308415737858
If you don’t have access to a professional diagnosis, your suffering is still valid. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
My DMs are always open. I will always do my best to respond. Vent to me, ask me questions, whatever you need. I’ll try my best to help.
You can follow @shiraisinspired.
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