You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- the dodgy monopolist & Microsoft founder gets all over the tv at the beginning of all this before we knew anything about the virus & starts saying everyone has to be locked down for 18 months until a vax..
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- country after country engaged in policies that saw care refused to the elderly & vulnerable & infected patients put into care homes when those people were even back, then clearly the most at risk!
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- the approved experts say for months that masks are not advisable & could cause harm & then as the virus appears to be waning they say actually we lied & masks should now be mandatory...
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- you look around your community & the majority are now wearing masks & tut-tutting at you for not wanting to...they told you they lied, you’re not even wearing medical grade masks & I’m the cuck??
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- Australia has had less than 300 deaths, around half of whom were >80yrs old & despite Sweden they continue to implement economy killing policies & the pop is so propagandised >half are cheering it on.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- the UN says the world shutting down is likely to lead to a famine of biblical proportions, Oxfam says half a billion more people will be pushed into poverty, but only covid deaths are apparently tragedy?
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- govt is complaining about anti-vaxxers, but wants the entire pop to get a novel vaccine being developed at ‘warp speed’ for a virus that the majority aren’t affected by & its predecessors were short lived.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- for what should be a once in a lifetime pandemic (though the numbers don’t suggest this was it) you are being told that the old normal can never return.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- if you check out the World Economic Forum’s celebration that this ‘crisis’ can be used to bring about the Great Reset & the 4th IR & frankly you find the vision of these out of touch rich people creepy af!
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- Neil Ferguson’s numbers were relied upon to guide lock down policies when he has a history of being catastrophically wrong about death numbers for pretty much every novel virus of the 21st century
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- News headlines lately continuously scream about numbers of new infections but when you actually take the time to read the full article the majority are asymptomatic & they should be reporting the good news
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- Govts admit things like we’re counting any death with a positive covid test or any death that is not confirmed as covid but might have been & no one is demanding accuracy as they destroy the economy
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- this virus like no other cold virus before it, can apparently make itself known to the infected via any symptom ever imaginable to a hyperchondriac, obsessive compulsive Google searcher.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- kids’ education & socialisation is apparently no longer important even though they have almost 0 risk of harm from the virus & it could be a simple matter to furlough fearful tho mostly at low risk staff.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- the SAGE group in a document made public says that the media should be used to up the public’s fear levels & using social shaming could help increase compliance with covid rules & regs.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- lockdown & other covid policies hurt the lower classes far more than anyone else with the rich able to either comfortably wait things out, or even profiting.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorists to say wtf is going on when:
- the government & various public servants whilst still continuing to be paid seem to have forgotten that they are supposed to be working for you, helping & assisting you not treating you like children.
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