Speaking of stuff that looks boring but turns out to be fascinating: I’ve been digging into clinical data registries.

Here's what I've learned, starting with some basics...

What is the difference between a clinical trial and a clinical registry? Trials are investigational and registries are observational. Trials look forward (what may happen) and registries look back (what did happen).
Getting people to join (and keep entering data) is a challenge, but registries that prove their value (for ex, improving or saving lives) are more likely to attract & keep patients & caregivers.

Kind of a "duh" point but it's tough to do.
Register now for our Aug. 12 webinar: Prioritizing Patient Engagement and Inclusion of Patient-Generated Covid-19 Data (and follow #COVIDregistries) https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9023040327154304012
Two leaders of a self-organized group of COVID-19 long-haul patients will be part of our Aug. 12 #COVIDregistries webinar: @GinaAssaf and @ahandvanish.

Read: https://patientresearchcovid19.com/research/report-1/
If you want to dig in further, @CMSSmed has a clinical data registries primer that succinctly summarizes their history and purpose. PDF: https://cmss.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/CMSS_Registry_Primer_1.2.pdf
Improving the quality of care delivery is a big reason why clinicians participate in data registries.

But I hope nobody's shocked to find out that it also helps clinicians meet regulatory requirements tied to payment.
You can follow @SusannahFox.
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