Easy or Healthy?

A thread on wanting the right thing...
Do you want conversations to be easy, or healthy?

Sometimes we have to say things or work through things that aren't easy in order to have healthy dialogue.
Do you want decisions to be easy, or healthy?

Low hanging fruit and quick wins won't get you far if you're competing with people who are willing to climb the ladder up to better ideas and decisions.
Do you want execution to be easy, or healthy?

Cutting corners, writing expedient code, under-designing, fixing problems with duct tape, cheap materials, and not building for exceptions are all easier, but are a growing cancer. Eventually, 90% of all work will go to fixing things
Do you want leadership to be easy, or healthy?

Telling people what they want to hear, spelling out the steps to get things done, buying people's love with team-building outside the work and ignoring issues in the work are all easier.
...and it keeps going.

Wanting things to be easy is like sitting on the couch and then realizing that using that body is much harder than it could be. Wanting health is like training the body so anything it has to do is easier.
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