Alright my turtleducks, I hear some white attendees are concerned they're taking up #FIYAHCON2020 ticket space better reserved for BIPOC, and they'd like to donate or transfer their tickets instead.

I'd rather you didn't. It'd be a logistical PITA. [THREAD]
We said from the beginning that everyone (with the exception of nazis and their sympathizers) is welcome to attend the convention. The idea behind #FIYAHCON is to *CENTER* BIPOC. We are making them the focus, the arbiters of the curriculum, the root of the message.
This, rather than throwing the mic to over-represented groups who've had their word received as gospel for the bulk of SFF's existence. It is important that white people hear these messages, too. We *want* you to attend.
We started out with attendance capped at 500 to keep things relatively manageable for a first run, + to make our other goals within the event achievable. We did not expect to sell out so fast, but that's okay! The goal is now to expand our hosting capability + open more tickets.
Instead of creating the logistical nightmare of transferring all these tickets to new people, you can help us by donating to #FIYAHCON's general fund to assist with things like server upgrades and associated costs.
Tomorrow we'll be launching a separate fund to assist with the launching of The Igyte Awards and getting those trophies produced and shipped (yes, we work fast). You'll be able to donate to that as well. On the funding page, you'll also find sponsorship tiers. Do that. #FIYAHCON
If you have any questions, you know how to reach us. But please don't fill our inboxes with guilt over attending. You're welcome here, I promise. Just don't... you know... be an asshole in our spaces. #FIYAHCON
You can follow @Ellethevillain.
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