The Qanon phenomenon is many things: for one thing, it's a grift. Q's top spokesgargoyles earn small fortunes in ad revenue, crowdfunding and merchandise.

But it's also an Alternate Reality Game: an intense interactive mystery narrative that is collaboratively designed by its players, who create theories to explain the mystery, which get adopted by the "game masters" and integrated into the tale.

"QAnon pushes the same buttons that ARGs do, whether by intention or by coincidence. In both cases, 'do your research' leads curious onlookers to a cornucopia of brain-tingling information."

ARGs involve fiendish puzzles that must be solved with pattern-matching and intense research. Sometimes players can't solve the puzzles, or their solutions are wrong -- but really cool. ARG runners ("puppetmasters") (no, really) revise the game in realtime based on players.

This is what cult members do when their own predictions and solutions misfire, turning every failed prophecy into an opportunity for new theory-spinning, a new prophecy whose creator gets lionized (and, maybe, paid) for their creativity.

Anthropologists who interview Qanon cultists say they self-report pleasure from writing "Qanon stories" after their kids go to bed. These stories gain status for their authors in intense, socially important online communities.

ARGs are showcases for the unrecognized storytelling and puzzle-solving talents of their players - and so is Q, a vast improv theater where your ability to connect disparate, unrelated events with narrative threads wins enormous social capital.

A game that is a pleasure and positive for its players when it's fictional turns into a destructive cult when it's treated as real. It's the difference between playing The Beast and Reddit's Boston Bomber thread, which led to false terrorism accusations against innocents.

Hon also identifies social media's upvote/downvote tools as a Darwinian winnower for Q theories, a way to surface the most intriguing and rewarding fantasies, as a force-multiplier for conspiracism.

Most importantly, Hon theorizes that Q is a playbook that others will copy to target and recruit vulnerable, traumatized people into future cults.

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