thread on biphobia since too many of you are too comfortable diminishing bisexuals or being biphobic:
Firstly, I want to link to this carrd about bisexuality. It includes the bisexual manifesto, common misconceptions about bisexuals, etc. 
To begin, I have seen a lot of members of the lgbt community who aren’t bisexual, being biphobic. It often happens when engaging in discourse with a bisexual person. If a bisexual person says something homophobic or lesbianphobic they deserve to be rightfully called out.
However many are TOO comfortable with combating these people with biphobic comments. This makes you just as bad as the person you’re mad at, so why do it? Biphobia isn’t excused ever. You can get your point across without being biphobic.
Now, onto the idea that we’re just “straight people who want an lgbt pass”. I can only speak for myself but I know for a fact i’m not the only one who’s experienced this. I have always felt attraction to girls since I was a kid, and it was often very confusing because I also felt
attraction to boys. I thought there was something wrong with me as I only knew about heterosexuality and homosexuality. So trying to argue our feelings aren’t valid or made up, even when a lot of us experienced these feelings without knowing what it was, makes no sense.
Bisexuals are still bisexual no matter what. It doesn’t matter if they’re in a relationship with the oppposite sex, they’re still bisexual. It doesn’t matter if they’re in a relationship with the same sex, they’re still bisexual.
Mocking us and saying we don’t experience any biphobia is truly ignorant. I cant even recall the amount of times i’ve been told “you’re just confused” or “it’s a phase”. Ive seen people say my sexuality doesn’t count if i’m dating someone of the opposite sex. Ive seen people say
no one would ever want to marry me or ever truly trust me because i’m “more likely to cheat”. I recall when I was just 14 and me and my friend here on twitter had crushes on each other and would talk on the tl, and soemone said we were “dirty”.
Now here’s just a small example of biphobia:
This thread is not to attack any other sexuality, as it’s the last thing i’d ever do. This thread is to say biphobia is never excused, and should never be made “okay” just because you’re mad at someone who’s bisexual. Bisexuals are still constantly fetishized and disrespected.
I wanted to quickly add that bisexuality HAS and ALWAYS will INCLUDE trans and enby people.
this carrd has a list of all the things going on in the world and ways we can help! please take some time to sign petitions, donate to lebanon!! 
i’ve also made a carrd to inform people on the term sapphic! <3 
ahh the persons tweet i linked went private so here are the biphobic comments
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