I won’t pretend to know or care about the white diy MPLS music scene anymore but watching y’all fight all the time is mad interesting
I wrote a sociology paper on the Paper House and conducted a few studies there(Jan2017) but my older brain sees opportunities for more research
Like we saw this summer, the scene tried to go through a systemic change of rooting out abusers of various degress and committing to anti-racism etc etc etc
But with most accusations coming from screenshots on notes apps and text receipts, i wondered how long it’d be for folks to turn on each other-didn’t seem like sustainable format for justice or even dialogue
Yesterday proves a theory of mine- white folks follow no rules when it comes to “accountability” or “cancelling” or whatever they call it these days
I think there’s something to be said about the way we go about things. When your friend is getting blasted on social media, it makes folks choose between “publicly denounce them” or “prove their innocence”
very rarely do folks just listen and wait-even that is risky
Is it because these spats and accusations are so public that we all jump to pick a side, to be morally righteous and ethical ?
what i think the culture has failed to understand is the absolute nuance of many of these situations, which the rat race of social media fails to convey
when y’all change y’alls rules of who you defend based on personal relationships you had with the accused it delegitimizes the movement-and makes you look hypocritical
And for many on the periphery, like myself, when we see blatant hypocrisy with how these situations are handled-it is very easy to boil them down to simple instances of adult drama and to label the entire scene as deeply immature, but ofc that’s inaccurate
We’ve all seen insta cards about what to do when your friend is accused of something-i saw many folks break those rules over the past few weeks, when the accusations hit too close to home-that interests me greatly.
Is our scene and culture as ethical and restorative as we hope to claim? Is the nuance of interpersonal relationships and the tensions between folks too great to be addressed by sweeping statements of any sort? I think so
This isn’t an anti-cancel culture thread- I don’t believe cancel culture exists because nobody has ever been cancelled 🤷🏾‍♂️ i think I just want people to reflect on nuance more when conducting themselves “online”
Say it with me white Twitter: it is ok to say “damn thats wild” and sit down!
Also if you have problems with someone, you are allowed to handle that shit in private. Fyi
discuss !
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