a thread of ms lucy heartfilia being a total badass

#FairyTail #LucyHeartfilia
this was one of lucy’s first battles and at first, lucy was SOL

she not only learnt how to use forced gate closure, she was able to use her intelligence to win even if it meant she’d be caught in the crossfire
nobody can tell me this wasn’t up there

instead of doing the easy thing and giving in, lucy stuck to her own principles and escaped, even risking serious injury
people love to say she’s useless, but wouldn’t someone who’s useless try to take the easy way out?

she could’ve sailed through life with money, a rich man and everything she could possibly want

but she stood up for what she believed in and wanted to make it on her own
as seen by loke’s reaction, nobody seems to have challenged the celestial spirit king before

lucy not only did THAT but she saved loke from disappearing into the ether

ON TOP OF THAT, she gained him a full pardon and herself a sincere ally
lucy’s kind heart and sincerity were evident in this scene, as well as her intelligence when she used juvia’s water to summon aquarius

she then partnered with juvia to perform a unison raid, something even jellal said was difficult to do
despite her anger towards her dad, lucy managed to take out an entire dark guild by herself, to save him much to the awe of her teammates
i don’t know about you, but this scene made me cry

imagine having to experience something as conflicting as this, but then immediately being able to dust yourself off and look to the future
not only did lucy gain two new celestial spirits after this fight, but she was able to use the difficult urano metria spell (courtesy of hibiki) and wipe out the enemy
lucy was the only one able to use her magic as it relies on the celestial realm and she singlehandedly took out the edolas royal army in one fell swoop
when even one of your enemies compliments you, you know it’s the truth 💅🏼

imagine getting tossed through the air and STILL being able to climb on a high speed rollercoaster to save your friend
this was one of my favourite scenes

after getting a new weapon, her fleuve d'étoiles, she quickly mastered it and was able to use it to take down byro
we all know if their fight hadn’t had any intervention, this win would’ve been hers

urano metria? let’s not pretend she wasn’t about to send flare’s wig flying
though carried out by her future counterpart, she was not only able to travel to the past and warn everybody of their impending doom, she also sacrificed herself to save... herself
being smart enough to ask her celestial spirit to do some research, she was the only one who realised the eclipse gate shouldn’t have been opened

her and yukino’s teamwork then enabled the gate’s closure, saving humanity from a grim fate
lucy’s come a long way from hiding during battle to putting herself in the path between an enemy and a friend

she chucked a whole chair in my guy’s face and then jumped OFF a balcony

and if that wasn’t impressive enough, the towel managed to stay ON
even when having her soul drained out from her, lucy once again proved her usefulness, by using her intelligence to trick franmalth into releasing natsu
this scene alone is evidence of lucy’s growth and strength, physically and mentally

being able to summon the celestial spirit king through the sacrifice of her first friend says it all, but freeing her friends from alegria was the icing on the cake
her magic was close to depleted but with her newfound star dress ability, lucy showed jackal payback is a b!tch, with the successful performance of urano metria
during the one year timeskip, lucy used skills not otherwise praised in the world of fighting

she kept track of her guildmates to the best of her ability and was the only one to have faith that fairy tail would reunite
after wendy’s help in overcoming mary’s dirty (literally) trick, lucy one-shot her and returned the favour
the perfect distraction

with lucy’s efforts, erza was able to steal zash’s ring which was needed to retrieve the dragon cry

she was also able to summon gemini without brandishing their key - to those that like to say lucy’s useless without her keys
lucy’s intelligence comes into play here, praised by capricorn, as she realised wearing glasses rendered zash’s magic useless

she also freed all the girls he was holding captive
when you remember this trick being unsuccessful for the majority of the time in the past, we can only praise growth 😌

getting your way without having to draw blood? that’s our lucy
it was lucy to the rescue again, when she tricked jacob into bringing back marin so gemini could transform into him and release her guildmates from imprisonment
even though she knew she wouldn’t be able to win in a serious fight against brandish, she still gave it her all to protect her man, even bargaining for him to be healed if she won
at potential great cost to herself, lucy rewrote passages from the book of END to protect natsu, which healed a fatal wound dealt to him by zeref
not only did she come up with the idea of performing fairy sphere to trap acnologia, she herself learnt it and carried it out in the space of a few hours
despite the major risks and heartache she encountered throughout the years, lucy managed to finish her book and fulfil her dream of becoming an author

she then won an award on top of that!

a multi-tasking queen!
who else has ever reduced the great salamander to a shaking puddle on the ground without even having to tap into their weapons arsenal? we LOVE to see it
lucy was the only one unafraid to approach natsu when he went berserk and she managed to calm him down
her leo x virgo star dress

a whole new ability to add to her arsenal, and a powerful one at that
whilst being attacked by her guildmates, lucy came up with a plan to seal them in cana’s cards for their own protection
hello? she was the first one to defeat a golem

and it was BY HERSELF, all while showcasing her new aquarius x scorpio star dress combination
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