BKDK "I'm with the band" AU, where Izuku is a timid science major who's been dragged to a club with his outgoing friends. Only this isn't any old club. It's a strip club, and the band playing... Well, they're not just there for the music. They're there for their sex appeal, +
and Izuku knows as soon as the words are out of his mouth that he's screwed.
"You're with the band?" the greasy man echoes. His eyes follow Izuku's to the stage, where the band is playing. All four members are topless, sweat glistening as it trickles down their hardened abs. +
They're tall, the redhead probably the tallest, but then again, the blond playing drums isn't standing. Judging by his wide pecs and his broad shoulders, he could possibly be taller than the redhead on guitar. The singer is dual-haired and presses up against the microphone stand+
as he sings, accentuating his long legs and lean figure. The black-haired bass player grins out at the crowd and winks at a passing stranger whilst playing. They're all the total opposite of Izuku, and he can imagine that the guy currently trying to press himself on Izuku +
has trouble believing it. Nevertheless, Izuku pushes away and nods. "Y-Yeah!" he says with all the courage he can muster.
"I can see why they'd go for you, with curves like those," the pervert chuckles, eyes darkening. "But I think you're lying. Which one are you with?" +
The red-head (Kirishima, if Izuku remembers properly) is Kami's boyfriend. They haven't been introduced yet, but Kami goes on about how caring and understanding Kirishima is. He wouldn't mind pretending, right? Then again, tonight's the night Kami finally introduces Kirishima +
to them all, and Izuku doesn't want to get in the way. The black-haired man has very obviously been flirting with people in the crowd, so that's a no. That leaves the blond drummer and the singer. The singer is honestly beautiful, and the drummer... looks like he wants to kill +
the drums. He's aggressive, and that body of his could snap Izuku in half, which he might do if he hears rumours about someone claiming he's dating them. So the singer is the safe bet. But somehow, Izuku hears himself saying, "the drummer."
Wait, what!? No, no, no! +
Sure, the drummer is the most perfect man he's ever laid eyes on, but he's also one of the angriest looking men he's ever laid eyes on. His entire demeanour yells intimidation. Is Izuku stupid!?
And as if it can get any worse, the persistent man (yet again trying to press up +
against Izuku) grabs his hand and starts pulling him through the crowd towards the stage door.
"One of my friends is a stagehand, so let's find out how truthful you're really being, yeah? And if you're lying little bunny... Well, let's just say that no one will noticed an +
occupied dressing room in the middle of a show."
Izuku gulps, frantically looking around for his friends. He can't see any of them, and the guy is leading him through the door backstage. He's so screwed.
The music is a little muffled from behind the curtains, but Izuku still +
hears the singer announce that they'll be back after a short interval. As the greasy man explains the situation to his friend, who ushers them through with an equally greasy smile, Izuku struggles to break free. But it's too late. The band has come backstage, and are watching +
Izuku with curiosity in their eyes.
"The fuck is going on here?" the drummer asks, gaze flitting between Izuku and the man. "How did you get through?"
"I know people," the man announces proudly. "Sorry to disturb you, but I thought you should know-" he pushes Izuku forward +
"-that this little twink has claimed to me that you're his boyfriend. He's lying, isn't he?"
The drummer's eyes widen in surprise, and the other band members look at each other in confusion. Izuku bites his lip, planning an exit strategy in his head when the drummer +
marches up to him and frees him from the grasp of the man, sliding a light arm around Izuku's waist.
"He's not lying at all, you piece of shit," the drummer snaps. "And don't call him a little twink. He's mine, aren't you..." Izuku blinks and whispers his name. "Deku?" +
It's close enough. Izuku's just glad that he hasn't been ripped to shreds yet. The greasy man glares at the pair of them, and Izuku shudders despite himself. The drummer squeezes his waist as if to reassure him, and Izuku feels himself melt against the stranger's body. +
This will all be over as soon as the man leaves and Izuku can apologise, but it looks like the man isn't backing down so easily.
"Prove it!" he demands. The drummer bristles.
"I don't have to prove shit to you," he growls, and the man falters. "Now get the hell out."
(More to come later, and yes, that means the smut too ;D apologies if I've made any mistakes! If you're here from the future though, do read on 🥰)
The man is eventually escorted out by security. As soon as he leaves, the drummer drops his arm and rounds on Izuku.
"You really shouldn't be in a place like this alone, Deku, it's fucking stupid."
"I'm here with my friends," Izuku defends. "And it's Izuku, not Deku." +
"Some shitty friends they are," the drummer scoffs. "And eh, whatever. Just be careful, 'kay?"
"Izuku?" the redhead- Kirishima -asks. "As in Denki's friend?"
"Yeah," Izuku admits, rubbing his hair sheepishly. "Sorry to meet you like this."
"No worries!" he grins. "I finally +
get what Denki meant when he said you and Bakubro here would get on well. You know, we've still got some time before we go back on. You two should hang out!"
"It's Bakugou, quit calling me Bakubro," the drummer retorts. "And I doubt Deku here wants to hang out." +
"I-I wouldn't mind," Izuku blurts. The man did save him after all. It's nothing to do with how he's a walking wet dream.
The other members have been oddly silent until now, but the singer speaks up.
"It's the only chance you'll ever get, Katsuki," he says in a deadpan tone. +
It's weird how different he is off stage. Is Bakugou the same? Izuku gulps, his throat dry as he looks the tall drummer up and down. He's still shirtless, and Izuku has trouble keeping his eyes off him.
"Go, go, go," the bassist urges. "You can blow off some steam." +
"Fine," Katsuki grouches, but instead of leading Izuku towards the crowd back out in the club, he ushers him to a dressing room. Izuku tries not to remember the greasy man's threat. Although thinking of having sex with the drummer... Well, it's much more pleasant. But nothing's +
going to happen. They'll have a drink, make small talk (Izuku will drool over Bakugou) and then Bakugou will go back out on stage and Izuku will find his friends and they'll be perfect strangers again. Right? +
(Aight, I'll hopefully finish this tomorrow. Ppl from the future, ignore me 😂💖 have a good day/night everyone!)
After a few minutes of talking, Izuku is sure about one thing: Bakugou's aggressive personality was not just a stage role. Sure, he's not too pissed at Izuku, but when Izuku explains how he got into the situation, Bakugou's upper lip curls as he grunts a response. +
Really, it shouldn't be as attractive as it is, but all Izuku can think about is Bakugou's body crowding over him as he whispers dirty things in that gravelly voice of his. Izuku doesn't know what's gotten into him: he doesn't usually fantasise about strangers, especially +
not whilst they're /talking/ to him. Speaking of which...
"Oi, Deku, did you hear what I said?" the drummer repeats, eyebrows furrowed in a permanent pout.
"Huh? Oh, uh..." Izuku tries to recall what was actually coming out of the blond's mouth whilst he was fantasising. +
"Dumbass," Bakugou tuts. "I said you did the right thing, telling him you were already taken. But you know, for a second I thought you were one of the dancers."
Ah, yes. This is a strip club, after all. At the centre of the club there's another rounded stage, where the +
dancers perform. Bakugou's stage looks directly onto it though, so why does he assume Izuku is one of the dancers?
"R-Really? Why?"
As soon as Bakugou grins, Izuku realises that he's teasing him. His theory is only confirmed by the way Bakugou rakes his eyes up and down +
Izuku's body. Izuku feels a little self conscious in his mini shorts and crop top, even though he's wearing a mesh undertop and leggings.
"Because I wouldn't mind seeing you on that stage," the drummer says, licking his lips. His expression suddenly changes as he reaches +
Izuku's face though, and he shakes his head. "Fuck. Sorry. You probably don't wanna hear that after what you've just gone through. That was stupid of me."
Izuku finishes off the drink he was poured, his head spinning a little as he sets the glass down and edges closer to +
the drummer (who's still shirtless, much to his delight).
"No," Izuku murmurs, gazing up at him with a little smile. "You have my full consent to continue."
Bakugou swallows audibly, eyes darkening as he looks down at Izuku under his eyelashes.
"You sure?" he whispers, +
hands tentatively coming to both of his hips. Izuku places his own hands over Bakugou's in affirmation, nodding as he tries to remember Bakugou's first name.
"Ka... Kacchan, was it?" Izuku tries. Bakugou grins.
"Not exactly, but you can keep calling me that, /Deku/," +
he responds.
"I will as long as you keep going," Izuku promises, biting his bottom lip seductively. "Tell me what you'd do with me."
Bakugou- no, /Kacchan's/ grip on his hips tighten as he spins Izuku around and presses up against him by the dressing table. +
"Maybe I should just show you," he growls, and then his lips are attacking Izuku's, tongue seeking entrance as he nips teasingly at Izuku's lower lip. Izuku moans into his mouth and melts against him, his hands sliding up to grab Kacchan's broad shoulders and tug him closer. +
In return, Kacchan's hands wander down to squeeze at Izuku's generous ass, grabbing handfuls as he grinds against the smaller man.
"I can imagine you on that stage, pressing that beautiful big ass of yours against the pole and pulling your tight shorts down over it," Kacchan +
whispers against his lips. At the same time, he takes the hems of Izuku's tiny shorts and pushes them down so that they dig into him about halfway, his ass flowing over the tight fabric. "See? Look at how /big/ it is, can't stop fucking staring at it. I'd bring you +
back here after the show, fuck your tight little hole and fill you with cum so you'd know just who you belong to. Fuck, I want you so bad."
Izuku whines against Kacchan and moves down, biting at his nipples and burying his head against Kacchan's wide chest. An idea pops into +
his head and he moves back up to meet Kacchan's eyes.
"You really like my body that much, hmm?" Izuku teases, running his hands down to rest just above Kacchan's clothed erection. It strains against his leather trousers and Izuku's mouth waters just imagining how big it is. +
"Well, Kacchan, I like your body too. No, I /love/ your body. I wanna steady my hands against your abs as I bounce on your cock. I wanna dig my nails into your back as you pound me. And God, I can feel how big it is already. You'd fill me so good with that thick cock +
of yours, wouldn't you?" Kacchan groans wordlessly against him and Izuku smiles sweetly before turning around and bracing himself on the dressing table so that he can push his half-clothed ass against Kacchan's erection. And /oh/, it feels even bigger when Izuku moves his ass +
against it, and Izuku can't imagine it getting any better than this when Kacchan moves away slightly, before shoving Izuku's shorts down fully and sliding his bare, erect cock between Izuku's ass cheeks.
"Fuck, I love the way your ass swallows my dick up," Kacchan +
murmurs, kneading his hands against Izuku's ass as he thrusts back and forth between Izuku's big butt. It's strange, because most of the time Izuku is embarrassed about the size of it, but right now, he loves the sensation of Kacchan's thick cock sinking between his cheeks. +
The string of his green thong is pushed further into his crack as Kacchan rocks back and forth, the rest of the thong digging into his cheeks because Kacchan had slid it down with the shorts. Izuku clenches experimentally, and Kacchan moans deep in his throat, a low +
irresistible rumble. His hands move to rub at Izuku's wet hole as he says: "Fuck, Deku, I wanna bounce you on my cock. I wanna pound into you. And you're so wet for me... Did you prep yourself before you came to the club?"
Actually, Izuku had just gotten off before they +
went so that he wouldn't make as many rash decisions when he was drunk, but considering he's here, Izuku just nods.
"Fuck, you little slut," Kacchan praises, sliding a finger into Izuku's hole. Even though Izuku's lubed up, his hole is still tight, and he whimpers and tightens +
his grip on the dressing table as Kacchan inserts two more fingers, mercilessly sliding in and out of Izuku's dripping hole as he looks for his prostate. It doesn't take long to find it, Izuku crying out as Kacchan begins to hit it again and again without respite. +
"K-Kacc-Kacchan, pleaaase," Izuku gasps out, "fu-fuck me, I neeed you to fuck my tight wet hole. Please, God, I'm so wet for you, I wanna feel your big, thick cock splitting me open, I need to feel it, Kacchan-!"
"Whatever you want, baby," Kacchan whispers in his ear. +
(To be continued!! I'll finish this in a little bit, just got some errands to run 🥰 future readers, read on, and once again sorry if I've made any errors! I think you can tell I don't proofread...)
And then, without any further warning, Kacchan slides the tip of his cock into Izuku's ready hole. It's thick all right, thicker than he could've ever hoped for, and Izuku lets out a little slutty whine despite himself. The noise urges Kacchan on as he begins to bob in and out, +
gradually sliding into Izuku's hole. His hands clutch Izuku's ass, and Izuku bites his lip at the rough texture of his palms. Kacchan really is the perfect man.
"Fuck, Deku, you're so tight," he gasps. "I wanna fuck you so bad. Let me move, baby..."
Kacchan's dick stretches +
Izuku's hole to the limit, and he feels so full he can barely imagine what it would be like if Kacchan moved. Honestly, it hurts a little, but Izuku is an addict for pain, and he wants /more/. So he nods, not trusting his voice.
It's all the 'yes' that Kacchan needs, +
because suddenly he moves back and /slams/ into Izuku's ass, hitting his prostate immediately. Izuku cries out, his knuckles whitening from the strength of his grip on the table. Kacchan chuckles lowly and repeats the action, getting faster and faster until Izuku's ass +
jiggles as it slaps against Kacchan's hard washboard abs. His legs threaten to give out under him but Kacchan's grip is resolute as he spreads Izuku's legs wider and adjusts his angle to hit Izuku's prostate deeper.
"You like that, little slut?" Kacchan growls in his ear. +
"Bet you love being treated like a whore, bet you love having your beautiful fat ass fucked like this, huh Deku?" he continues. "I'm gonna fill you with so much cum, gonna watch it drip outta your slutty hole and down those perfect thighs."
He kneads Izuku's ass and holds it +
apart to allow his big, thick dick to pound into Izuku's wet hole. The green-haired man can't make words could, moaning and whining helplessly as he babbles incoherently about how good Kacchan's cock is. Because, God, it's the best thing he's ever felt. He's ruined for anyone +
else. Katsuki nuzzles against Izuku's neck and bites against the flesh there, hard enough to leave a mark. At the same time, he moves impossibly faster, his other hand wrapped around Izuku's large hips to grip his little cock and stroke it. Izuku's close to cumming, +
and he tries to convey it to Kacchan, but all that comes out is an embarrassingly loud and involuntary moan. Kacchan catches on immediately, though, and turns Izuku's head to capture his lips in a sloppy kiss.
"Cum for me, baby," he encourages, rubbing circles on Izuku's ass, +
"I'm as close as you are. 'Cos, fuck, you're perfect. You're so sexy. Such a gorgeous little slut with an amazing big ass and a tight little hole. You like this, don't you, Deku?"
Izuku nods and whines, legs trembling as he reaches his climax.
"Then cum for me," Kacchan says, +
and Izuku spurts all over the desk, gasping loudly as Kacchan continues to pound into him, groaning against Izuku's neck as he finally orgasms, filling Izuku with hot cum. They stay like that for a moment, before Kacchan pulls out and slides Izuku's shorts up so that the cum +
doesn't drip out. He buttons his trousers up and turns Izuku around, kissing him softly.
"Hey," he says quietly, and Izuku beams at him.
"Hey," he responds, giggling at the intense look on Kacchan's face. "What is it, Kacchan?"
"Deku, I know this sounds stupid, but-" +
Kacchan doesn't get to finish whatever he was saying before someone knocks on the door.
"Bakubro!" Oh, it's Kirishima. "We're on in two, we gotta get our mic check done and our stuff set up!"
"I'll be out in a sec, Shitty Hair!" Kacchan calls back. They hear receding footsteps +
and then they're alone again. Kacchan turns back to face Izuku, leaning his forehead against the smaller man's.
"We'll talk after the show, yeah?" Kacchan promises. "Just be careful."
"I can always just tell them I'm with the band, right Kacchan?" Izuku grins. +
Kacchan grins back.
"Damn right."
(Afterwards, Kami drags Izuku and his friends to meet Kirishima. Kirishima introduces the rest of the band to them, and when he reaches Kacchan, Izuku smiles.
"Oh," he says, "I think we've met before.")
I hope y'all enjoyed my first thread! There are many more to come 😌 Feel free to commission me or donate towards my uni funds on Ko-Fi if you'd like to—all help is appreciated 💕 'Til next time... https://ko-fi.com/lemonaestheticc 
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