On a mission to highlight excellent poetry for children...
First up is this marvellous new collection from @afharrold, deftly illustrated by @Bonzetta1. Poems to laugh at, interact with, perform, ponder over & inspire. Fantastic interplay between words and images. #PoetryMatters
If I Were Other Than Myself is a beautifully written, thought provoking collection by @SueHardyDawson, with illustrations from Sue’s own hand. Poems celebrate the beauty & fragility of nature, give insight into the human experience & take us into realms of magic. #PoetryMatters
Bright Bursts of Colour by @EarlyTrain contains such a range and breadth of poems, showcasing what poetry is and could be and that speaks to children. Clever wordplay, genuine humour and heart achingly beautiful poems. So much in here to spark engagement #PoetryMatters
A Great Big Cuddle by @MichaelRosenYes & @chrisriddell50 is expertly crafted to engage & support young readers on their journey to literacy. Clever wordplay, poems that celebrate the musicality of language, tell a story & show that poetry can help express emotions #PoetryMatters
Dancing in the Rain by John Lyons is a vibrant collection capturing imagery, music & folklore from the Caribbean. Such a range of poetry offered, funny and playful, celebratory, lyrical & poems that capture the awe & wonder of nature and importance of relationships #PoetryMatters
This Rock, That Rock by @dom_conlon, illustrated by @vivschwarz is a wondrous celebration of the moon. You can feel both the poet & illustrator’s love for the subject in each & every spread. Such a variety of forms & poems that share wonder, joy & heartfelt emotion #PoetryMatters
Poems the Wind Blew in, by @KCIribarren, illustrated by Riya Chowdhury & translated by @lawrenceschimel is a series of charming observations of the everyday. A collection to keep in your pocket. Powerful imagery & judiciously chosen language evokes awe and wonder #PoetryMatters
The Rainmaker Danced by John Agard, illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura shows children that poetry can give you a voice to communicate a message or opinion. Never patronising, his voice is powerful yet subtle & his poems encourage a deeper level of thought & discussion #PoetryMatters
Out and About by @ShirleyHughes_ is a perfect collection for young readers. Poems themed around the outdoor environment encourage children to engage with & appreciate the wonders of nature & gives language and structures to support them in responding to the world #PoetryMatters
All the Best by @McgoughRoger showcases classic poems from one of the most prolific children’s poets (his adult poetry is well worth a read too). Superbly funny, clever wordplay, drawing attention to the wonder of language & subtly voicing concerns about the world #PoetryMatters
Cherry Moon by @zaroweil, illustrated by Junli Song, is a collection I return to often in these strange times. Keenly observed poetry about the natural world, encouraging the reader to step back & be mindful. Such a range of forms & evocative, visceral depictions #PoetryMatters
Will never forget the first time I picked up @JosephACoelho’s Werewolf Club Rules. Such a clear, vibrant & important voice for children and a stellar collection of poetry. Poems to make you laugh, consider & to provoke deep emotions & connections within the reader #PoetryMatters
One of my favourite children’s poetry collections of all time is @MichaelRosenYes’s Big Book of Bad Things. His love for language shines through, as does his skill for using words to capture any situation or experience, captivating the reader at every step #PoetryMatters
One of the best poets for Early Readers is @jamescarterpoet. Zim Zam Zoom! is an exceptionally well produced collection. Playful, lyrical & interactive poems around familiar themes & experiences & rich illustrations by @NicolaColton1 invite every child to join in #PoetryMatters
Superbly crafted poetry abounds in @RooneyRachel’s A Kid in My Class, illustrated by @chrisriddell50. A collection that is a tour de force journey through poetic form with funny, thoughtful and poignant poems that every child will see bits of themselves in #PoetryMatters
This collection blew my mind when I first came across it. @KarlNova’s Rhythm and Poetry is lyrical perfection. Poems jump off the page with rich melodies. So many children have been inspired to read and write poetry through this collection of fresh, dynamic poems #PoetryMatters
Cosmic Disco by Grace Nicols is another thoughtful and pertinent collection from one of our greatest children’s poets. Perfectly crafted and lyrical verses celebrate the wonder of life and raise questions about key issues for young people, encouraging reflection #PoetryMatters
Dark Sky Park by @philipgrossuk is a mesmerising collection for children. Poems share the wonder of the natural world, with an eye on the science of the universe, but also empathy & understanding of events & experiences. Rich language & perfectly crafted verse #PoetryMatters
Moon Juice by @WakelingKate is an expertly crafted collection containing humorous poems, lyrical poems that follow rich rhythms, emotive poetry written from personal experience & poems that offer windows into the writer’s fascinations & direct, real life experience #PoetryMatters
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