I request a response from someone at @novaramedia to the many women in this thread &elsewhere who object to the erasure/redefinition of the term ‘woman’.

Trans rights do not threaten anyone.
But what trans activists are demanding is not “trans rights”.

Thread: https://twitter.com/michaeljswalker/status/1289559932220522496
1. The redefinition of ‘woman’ to include males is not a trans right.
2. The removal of single-sex provision for female people is not a trans right.
3. Compelling belief in gender identity is not a trans right.
4. Demanding use of preferred pronouns is not a trans right.
5. Shaming lesbians for being exclusively same-sex attracted is not a trans right.
6. Jettisoning child safeguarding for gender nonconforming children who identify as trans is not a trans right.
7. Renaming people who don’t identify as trans as “cis” is not a trans right.
8. Males competing in women’s sports is not a trans right.
9. Males in women’s rape shelters is not a trans right.
10. Males in women’s domestic abuse refuges is not a trans right.
11. Males taking women’s places on all-women shortlists, awards, grants etc is not a trans right.
12. Males taking the lead/chairing women’s events, women’s marches, women’s platforms is not a trans right.
13. Males lecturing women on feminism is not a trans right.
14. Campaigning to remove sex from the Equality Act list of protected characteristics is not a trans right.
15. Flouting Equality Law by replacing sex-based terminology & protections with gender identity terminology/protections is not a trans right.
16. Calling for women who support single-sex provision to be fired, deplatformed, expelled, and even prosecuted is not a trans right.
17. Mass-blocking/silencing/abusing/dehumanising women who support single-sex provision is not a trans right.
18. Branding trans people who affirm the reality of biological sex as “truscum” is not a trans right.
19. Condemning all dissent as “transphobic” is not a trans right.
Trans rights are human rights.
So are female sex-based rights.
So are children’s rights.
So are the rights of same-sex attracted people.

EVERYONE deserves human rights.

Sex is a Protected Characteristic in Equality Law.
Ps (afterword):
Women's sex-based rights do not threaten trans identities.

Sex and gender are not the same thing.
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