A senator in Kenya asks: Who is Murathe?
A rhetorical question no doubt but a good opportunity to define Muratheists & Muratheism.
Murathe is Svengali, short & simple. To understand who Murathe is you must know who Svengali is. You'll find that Murathe is very old
Some claim Murathe may have first worked in the court of Gaius Julius Caesar. But new archaeological evidence places Murathe firmly in the court of King Enmebaragesi of Kish, c. 2600 BC & i.e. 2500 years before Julis Caesar. Murathe is mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh
It's unclear exactly when Murathe changed his name to Svengali. Historians, psychologists & sociologists agree that changing names "regularly" would be a natural development for someone who has lived over 3000 years! He has held citizenship of multiple countries
In modern times he was once William Cecil, advising Queen Elizabeth I before turning up in Russia as Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin; He surfaced in France to without sweat, advise the Head-Cutting Revolutionaries, Napoleon Bonaparte & the King - all deadly enemies of each other
Svengali changes race tribe religion, nationality & gender seamlessly. Svengali/ Murathe is believed to have entered Africa to hide after the brutality he faced in Russia as "Rasputin". He returned to Europe to serve France as Charles Talleyrand.
In Africa he first appeared as Mbiyu Koinange. Keen historians suspect that Svengali/ Murathe may have stolen the identity of a son of an African colonial chief on study abroad. The soon to depart colonial government had planned to appoint him prime minister.
"Mbiyu Koinange" would miraculously disappear hours before the death of Jomo Kenyatta on some excuse of urgent business in Nairobi. Thankfully the real Mbiyu Koinange turned up albeit mentally weird. He was unused to car traffic & loved horse drawn carriages
But Svengali/ Murathe was also capable of operating multiple identities simultaneously. While in Kenya as "Mbiyu Koinange"; became a white man - Bob Astles - to advise Idi Amin in Uganda. He later took on the identity "Nicholas Biwott" to control Dictator Arap Moi
Svengali's never stopped taking on new jobs in multiple countries. He uses new alias; regularly fakes his own death, disappears & returns to the same job as a different person. He gets to deal with the same persons or their sons or great grandsons. Here as Abba Kyari in Nigeria👇🏿
You may ask: Why would a leader depend on such a despicable person as Svengali? The truth is: no leader likes Svengali but inevitably gravitates towards Svengali. Svengali like a bacterium needs a host to survive. The host benefits from whatever comes out of Svengali.
Murathe/ Svengali has been featured in fiction. The most abiding depiction is by Stephen King. The character Randall Flagg who has featured in 9 of King's novels is actually Murathe / Svengali. As in real life, Flagg assumes a new alias as he travels in time & space.
Stephen King, in his book 'The Stand' became the first to reveal that Svengali alias Randall Flagg is completely heartless:

"There was a dark hilarity in his face & perhaps in his heart, too, you would think—and you would be right" ~ Stephen King
Dictators love Svengali because they can commit any kind of crime & sin, freely & openly with total impunity. They escape all blame because all of it is heaped on the shoulders of Svengali. The dictator simply let's word go that he is helpless & powerless in the hands of Svengali
Wole Soyinka depicts Murathe/ Svengali in Kongi's Harvest. He's a senior adviser & ruling party apparatchik with the title "The Secretary" - corrupt & with limitless diabolism. Like other Svengalis he disappears never to be seen again in the country when about to be exposed.
Francis Imbuga too wrote about Murathe Svengali in his Betrayal in the City. He was a close relative & confidant of Dictator Boss. Like other Svengalis he murders opponents at the drop of a hat. Beware of Svengali: he easily betrays the boss to save his own extremely thin skin!
Some believe Murathe Svengali got close to Jesus of Nazareth. He's believed to have taken on the identity of Judas Iscariot. It's during this period that he developed a penchant for traitorous deeds with Jesus becoming his first but not last victim around AD 30 👇🏿
Breaking: Svengali seen leaving No.10 Downing Street in a hurry & on a pitch dark night carrying a box. He appears to have carefully chosen to depart on a FRIDAY THE 13TH, a day Europeans dread! He chose to depart on the day Jesus Christ was murdered. Triskaidekaphobia? Nah!👇🏿
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