"Kobach’s strongest evidence of non-citizen registration was anemic at best: Over a 20-year period, fewer than 40 non-citizens had attempted to register in one Kansas county that had 130,000 voters. 5/
Most of those 40 improper registrations were the result of mistakes or confusion rather than intentional attempts to mislead, and only five of the 40 managed to cast a vote."

"One of Kobach’s own experts even rebutted arguments made by both Kobach and President Donald Trump. "
This piece goes on and on with revelation after revelation about Kobach's utter lack of credible evidence, failure to observe or understand rules of procedure, blatant misrepresentations, contradictions of his own statements, dishonest witnesses, and more. 7/
This should have been Kobach's crowning moment. It is what he had been working for his whole career. But all he accomplished was a laying bare of how dishonest are the voter fraud alarmists. 8/
#kobach is trending right now because he was just defeated in the KS GOP primary. But that loss won't undo the damage he's wrought with a career of lies about immigrants and US elections and it won't deter him from moving forward with that agenda as he's done in the past.
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