Today my daughter met another little girl at the park. They spoke at a safe distance, then my girl ran up to me and asked if she could have her mask so that her and her new friend could play. The other little girl did the same. (1)
I was blown away. How is it that two 4yr old girls could have more awareness and consideration for each other’s health than most adults do in this country? (2)
Do you know how hard it is to get a 4yr old to do anything, let alone wear a mask? And yet she knew how important this one small inconvenience was in order to enjoy a quick game of chase!
And they even complimented each other’s mask, which were both pink. (3)
It gives me faith that I’m:
A. Doing alright as a parent, and that:
B. Our children will make right by this world if we can leave them a world that is at least habitable.

Be like a 4yr old and WEAR YOUR MASK. #MaskUp #WearAMask #InThisTogether
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