It’s not “divisive” to demand #MedicareForAll when millions are losing their insurance in a pandemic.

It’s not “divisive” to demand a #GreenNewDeal when it hit 100° in the Arctic for the first time ever.

What is divisive is resisting progress when our people & planet are dying.
It’s not “divisive” to demand #Reparations when our nation has yet to make amends for slavery.

It’s not “divisive” to demand #UniversalBasicIncome when capitalism is displacing jobs.

What is divisive is resisting progress when our nation desperately needs to move forward.
It’s not “divisive” to demand a #WealthTax when 2 billionaires hoard more wealth than half of America.

It’s not “divisive” to demand a $20 #LivingWage when CEO pay’s increased 1000% over last 40 years.

What is divisive is putting the greed of the 1% over the dignity of the 99%.
It’s not “divisive” to demand that a politician earn your vote by supporting popular policies that will save lives.

It’s not “divisive” to demand political parties put the people over their corporate donors.

What is divisive is shaming and harassing voters for demanding better.
It’s not “divisive” to demand the Pentagon budget be cut in half and an end to U.S. Imperialism.

It’s not “divisive” to demand real criminal justice reform, legalizing cannabis, and expunging records.

What is divisive is profiting off of endless wars and mass incarceration.
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