Spent some time today on media questions about women’s job losses, one asked about the focus on reopening schools. I’ll repeat one point here:

I find the lack of investment here incredibly surprising…. 1/n
First, we’re investing in a generation of kids, and it looks like they really need some public investment right now. 2/n
Second, we’re talking about more than 15% of our workforce struggling to manage this juggling act, and in past recessions we’ve seen governments willing to spend billions help save much smaller numbers of jobs in male-dominated fields like construction & manufacturing 3/n
3rd, the consequences of getting this wrong are severe. If outbreaks happen as a result of crowded classrooms, entire communities will have to shutter again. I’m not sure the businesses that managed to survive the 1st round of shutdowns can survive a second round 4/n
This isn’t just an issue for a small group of women. The way I see it, this matters for the recovery. We need to get this right the first time. 5/5
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