Thanks for posting this link, Mercedes. This is actually the data I referred to in our interview today so I’m glad anyone who is curious can click and see just how few cases of voter fraud occurred in their state during the 38 year span of this data base.

A few facts...
Nevada, your favorite mail-in voting state, had six instances of voter fraud over 38 years, none related to mail-in voting, which the Heritage database allows you to search by.
Also consider that in 2016 there were only 62 cases of voter fraud across the country (according to Heritage). Then consider that there have been 155,000+ deaths from coronavirus in the last six months.
It says a lot about your priorities that, per capita, at that rate, a coronavirus death is the US is 2,106 times more likely to occur than a case of voter fraud in presidential and other kinds of elections.
Voter fraud of any kind is statistically negligible, as the Heritage database you link to makes clear. It certainly doesn’t seem worth the time and effort you or @realdonaldtrump spend knocking mail-in ballots. It’s logical to conclude that you have another objective.
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