On request from @iamFPL, I give you my some tips for how to put down as high rank as possible. It presents some thoughts I have I my mind ATM: It does not go in detalj, but gives you some overarching principles that I hope you find useful
#FPLCommunity #FPL https://twitter.com/iamFPL/status/1290364032961130496
First, I want to make it clear that there's not one "correct" way to play FPL. Rather, as you all can se, and also if you study those teams ho ended up in the very top this seasons, different players have quite different approach to have they have gained their points.
This thread is focused on my way of playing, which has worked out for me the last three years. Other brilliant players and accounts in this community may disagree, for good reasons. There's also different ways to play depending on what your main goal for the season is:
For me, my main goal has been to get as high overall rank as possible. This approach to the game includes ignoring your rivals in your mini-leagues. That said, it should be obvious for everyone that your chances of winning your mini leagues is strongly connected to high OR rank.
Tip number 1: Be patient.
No FPL players experience green arrows consequently. Needless to say, it is a marathon, not a sprint. It may sound like a cliche, but this need to be taken in account in almost every choice you make. ...
... Before the season starts, and on wildcards, I have the next 4-6 rounds in mind, highly focused on fixtures before the gw 1. People may disagree in this ("form>fixtures"), but remember that the term "form" is useless before GW 1, despite having seen them in pre-season.
On wildcard, however, form is playing a lot bigger part in choosing your players, but I still have the upcoming fixtures in mind. Sometimes this backfires, but I think that this still is beneficial in a long term.
Tip 2: Create a balanced team:
As boring as it sounds, this means having one premium player at all positions at THE START of the season. It is much easier to sell expensive players who don't delivers, rather than messing up your team to get delivering premium players. ...
A balanced team also requires attention to bandwagons and differentials. IMO, attention to the "top 10k ownerships" is a good way to approach this issue after some time. Thinking like stock markets may be a good approach: Low risk, low(er) income, high risk, high(er) income. ...
... People who get rich quickly in the stock market, probably has the first approach. Taking this analogy into the FPL world, this players often get a high rank in the start of the season based on few GWs, brags about it on Twitter, for later to become silent, (...)
(...) because they're sticking to their differential-approach not owning e.g. Salah/KDB. Regarding my last season, my first six rounds was terrible, with a 2.5m rank in round 5, forcing me to wildcard. (...)
(...) Instead of trying to make up for lost points in few game weeks with differentials, I instead kept my head cold and picked another, but still balanced team, trying to get just a few points better than the top 10k average, SLOWLY increasing my rank week after week.
A good (and free) tool to get a grip on the 10k ownership I highly recommend @LiveFPLnet
https://www.livefpl.net . This site also have a lot more useful tools.
Tip 3: Roll your transfers, and avoid taking hits.
Especially taking hits is a huge debate, where many players disagree with me. IMO, good planning means no need for hits. Of course hits CAN be beneficial, but mostly not, and it doesn't suit my style of playing.
When it comes to rolling transfers, it of course requires good planning, and often a decent (but not too expensive) bench. When you roll your transfer, you're not only get a lot more options, but also one week more of insight on the players in your watchlist.
Bonus tip: Listen to people with insight and analytic skills, and make YOUR OWN decisions based on them. There is hundreds of stats, heat maps, tools and other things that can be useful when making decisions. The art of FPL is to find out which stats to rely on, and common sense.
There is very very many useful twitter-accounts I could have mentioned, but this time I will stick to these two:

@BenCrellin creates brilliant and very helpful spreadsheets to navigate through blank and double GWs.
@BenDinnery knows about everything regarding injuries.
Conclusion: Be smart, but don't be a smartass.
Some final thoughts:
- You don't need to watch every game. I don't. And it doesn't necessarily make you a better FPL player.
- There is probably a lot more I could and should have mentioned. I hope I can go more in depth on some topics later
I got a lot of positive response on this thread so far. Thank you each and everyone! I would also appreciate it if it got spread even further😘 Shotout to
@FPLGOAT7 @ZhouFPL @FPLGeneral @FPL_Heisenberg
You can follow @fish_fpl.
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