In the online sex work sphere, there's very few aspects (clip production, phone/webcam/text sessions, custom content, fanclubs, membership sites, etc) that I haven't excelled in.

If you're struggling with your own success in this arena, I'm going to share a few of my secrets.
Rule #1: you MUST be consistent. Whatever areas you choose, you have to provide the same consistent time, effort, and output in order to build your audience. This means daily updates, a regular cam schedule, dedicated hours, and consistency in your content. This is CRITICAL.
This means establishing a good workflow and time management, but also understanding where your energy is best spent so you're comfortable and efficient. (If you're struggling here, I recommend this: This takes time to establish a solid rhythm and method.
Rule #2: you MUST be patient. Growing your audience and traffic takes time. If you're expecting to throw up an OnlyFans and instantly make $$$, you're setting yourself up for failure. Every brand's development is unique and you'll be learning as much about yourself as you'll
learn about the industry. You also need to be humble in this process, because it's a great deal to learn and navigate. This has been my career for 15 years and I'm still learning! It will be difficult and overwhelming and you'll feel that you can't manage it all. That's normal.
Rule #3: you MUST find your own niche. It may be helpful to look at what others are doing for inspiration and direction, but what works for them may not work for you, and you'll only get frustrated in the process. Innovation will distinguish you faster than imitation, always.
Rule #4: you MUST invest in your business. This means equipment, cameras, lighting, computers, workspaces, clothing, and most importantly-- your education. The first few years, expect to 30-50% of net. The days of recording low res videos on a webcam and making $10k a month are
long gone, and you are now competing in a market where you need to stand out from a sea of others. This can be daunting when you're trying to bootstrap your way up, but you have to remember this is a business. Prioritize your education and knowledge first, it will save you money.
Rule #5: you don't have to do EVERYTHING. Pick one or two areas (phone/cam and fanclub for example) and focus on those. If you spread yourself too thin, you won't be consistent; you'll race towards burnout. Your work/life balance is vital to your mental and physical health.
Last but not least, build your own support system. Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive peers. Online sex work can be very isolating, so bridge that gap. I created the @wicked_alliance community for this reason! (If you'd like an Slack invite.. let me know.)
One more, and let this one sink in: you are allowed to evolve and change in your work, especially as you learn more about who you are and what you love. Just because you chose one direction in the beginning doesn't mean you have to keep it up. If it no longer serves, let it go.
This tweet is making the rounds again, so I just want to add-- you don't have to spend thousands on equipment, but you do need to make educated purchases for the kind of online work you're doing (such as camming). It's a good idea to establish a budget and do your homework!
You can follow @DominaSnow.
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