It oversimplifies 2 studies ( #HeadStart Impact & TN preK) to conclude pre-K doesn’t help kids long-term. In both studies kids who attended pre-K outperformed those who didn’t at year end. Quality was found to be inconsistent across both programs & neither program is universal.
The author says it is parents, not preK, that makes the difference. Well let's do more to equip parents to do their best then! Social supports & wraparound services, give them knowledge & resources to choose what is best for their families. Limiting preK access is not the answer.
TL;DR Quality preK helps prepare kids for K. All kids can benefit & those facing certain challenges often benefit more. PreK is one important piece of a larger system that supports kids. We also need #homevisiting, #childcare & strong K-3. @JoeBiden's plans address these too /END
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