This guy's take was big cringe.

Here's why he's wrong and why Direct Response circumvents this.

Quick thread.
In direct response, if you have established your offer as

āœ”ļøUnique (Exclusive)
āœ”ļøQuick and easy (Anyone can benefit)
āœ”ļøPredictable (Low risk)

It's time to convey it as

āœ”ļøSomething scarce
āœ”ļøSomething big (As in "Holy shit this change my life forever")


Fear of missing out.
Once your letter...

1. Excites the reader with a headline that makes a bold promise

2. Hooks them in presenting a mysterious scenario, with questions that light a fire under their ass
3. Emotionally connects with them through carefully engineered storytelling, and makes them feel life-changing hope of massive victory against a super painful problem
4. Introduces the one big thing that will FINALLY, after many failed attempts, solve their painful problem

5. Explains all the benefits that will give them a new lease on life
6. Fortifies your credibility with testimonials of people *just like them!* that now have a new lease on life thanks to your offer

7. Demonstrates predictability with numbers, charts, anything that will make them go: "Wow, this is foolproof and proven!"
8. Explains each "value packed" benefit of the offer

9. Builds even MORE value, by adding benefits which value is just too good to pass up and could even outweigh whatever the price is
10. Reveals the investment cost (Never price...)

11. Removes their risk by GUARANTEEING their success (Or DOUBLE their money back, maybe?)

12. Sweetens the deal with even more value... (Never, never a discount)
...You have to SEAL THE DEAL.

Here comes the aggressive part.

You and now your reader are 1000% confident that the product will not only solve their problem, but massively upgrade their lives.
How do you aggressively sell, and "scare" your customer into not giving you their money, but into being happier, wealthier, more successful or whatever their innermost dreams and aspirations are?
You create urgency.

Not with a "fake timer", that's for amateurs.

Remind them how groundbreaking all of this is.

Let them know that this one of a kind opportunity MUST be seized now
Or somebody else will TAKE them from their hands.

Or the powers that be will rush to fix the loophole that is giving them, the average Joe the opportunity to enjoy a piece of the pie.
Or Big Pharma, nutrition, tech, whatever will ban this to protect their money faucet.

Or maybe just, your offer is too good and only the best qualified, real go-getters deserve it.
Once you have made them see with their own eyes this offer has LOW risk, HIGH REWARD and HIGH scarcity

You call them to action.

Or even better.

Call to value.
Instead of:

āŒBuy diet pills!
āœ”ļøStart losing that ugly fat that won't go away this week
Instead of:

āŒBuy this stock
āœ”ļøBecome one of the 99/100 early-bird investors
Instead of:

āŒBuy the course
āœ”ļøReserve your spot in the masterclass (Limited seats)
Instead of:

āŒJoin my signals/betting Telegram
āœ”ļøDiscover the winning plays before everybody else so it's more money for you
And so and so...
And finally, a stern warning.

Make it clear that if they do not choose to take action NOW
šŸ˜¢They sad lives will remain the same
šŸ˜¢Their dreams will remain just dreams
šŸ˜¢The Joneses next door will have taken action and will flex on them every day
They won't break out of their mediocre vicious loop of despair

And above all?

šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢They will regret not taking action, probably foreveršŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢
And that's how you make the sale TODAY.

Not tomorrow.

Not after "Having the customer hear your marketing message 7 times". (Lmao who came up with that)

I have had massive success doing affiliate for info products that launched on the same day.

Learn direct response.
You can follow @Bronzevertising.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword ā€œunrollā€ to get a link to it.

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