In recognition of Severe ME Awareness Day on August 8th, 2020, we are taking this week to share stories from people living with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME / CFS) to increase visibility of this devastating disease. (Continued in thead)
It's estimated that 20 million people have ME/CFS worldwide, with approximately 1 in 4 patients housebound or bedbound. Many of the most severely affected need to be fed by tube.Those who are severely affected can be confined to bed for years, disappearing from the world outside.
Living inside one room, the view stays the same day in and day out. Today, Sarah shares her experience and her #ViewforME to help us raise awareness of just how much patients lose to severe ME: "I've had M.E for 25 years gradually deteriorating the whole time."
"This is my view between 12 and 24 hours a day. On a good day I can get downstairs, on a great day I can get to the garden. Most days I only get as far as the bathroom. I am lonely. I mourn for the life, career and children I should have enjoyed but that ME/CFS has stolen."
"I refuse to give up though. One day all of our suffering will be recognised. One day the world will understand the strength we sufferers have."
If you are able, we encourage all those severely affected by ME/CFS to participate in The #ViewforME project. Take a picture of your daily view, and post to social media using the hashtag #ViewforME.
Let's make sure the world sees who you are, and why we need to fund research today. #PwME #SevereME #Millionsmissing
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