OK I'm busy trying to catch up with what I've missed on #COVID19 in children, which looks like a lot!

People seem to be making a big deal out of some new papers, but frankly there's not a huge amount of new information here - quick run down

Over such a brief period of time, likely kids didn't actually have time to transmit to each other. Mainly got infected by staff

Good break down here by @DiseaseEcology (although I disagree with the take on household transmission studies!)

3/13 https://twitter.com/DiseaseEcology/status/1289298074804711425?s=20
Next an outbreak in a high school in Israel

We cannot tell direction of transmission, but to me this looks like too many cases too fast to all be spread between children; I imagine multiple sources of entry

Secondary schools do seem higher risk


We already known children have transmissible virus, so this isn't new information

It's nice that they targeted ONLY symptomatic individuals, so at least we have a consistent denominator

Shame we still don't know how many children are asymptomatic...

The next also by @mugecevik et al. on viral dynamics of #COVID19

Includes interesting findings on duration of viral shedding according to age (although kids data poor, might explain apparent reduced infectivity of children despite similar VL?)


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