Thread: FIRST, DO NO HARM...
Hydroxychloroquine + Z-Pak is being touted by THOUSANDS of "Frontline" Doctors in President Trump's War on #COVID19 as a viable therapy & even a possible CURE, yet there is now a drive to censor those Doctors underway by the MSM & Social Media.
The MSM & Democrats reviled HCQ from the vert first moment President Trump said it must be looked at as a possible therapy for the pandemic the CCP unleashed upon the World in January.
Neil Cavuto literally said taking HCQ "would KILL you!"
The study touted by Cavuto, however, failed to mention some facts that could provide the public context.
The study was of HCQ being provided to patients who were already in the advanced stages of the illness.
The Frontline Doctors say taking HCQ early can be considered a CURE.
A Doctor's Summit was held & a group of Doctors gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court to extol the findings of their Summit.
I cannot stress this enough=these are the Doctors who are actually treating COVID Patients day in & out during this Pandemic.
They are finding that, if taken in the early stages of the infection, HC + Z-Pak are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in defeating the virus in just a few days.
Patients even in the "middle stage" of the illness also recover, usually in about a week.
It's those in the advanced stage that die.
So Cavuto & most recently Dr Fauci's assertions before Congress fall flat.
Their statements are deliberately deceptive as they do not mention those provided HCQ for the mentioned study were in the advanced stages of COVID & many had comorbidity issues as well.
In researching this Thread I've come to realize the level of disinformation on HCQ is rivaling anything I've even seen before & that includes WWII numerous campaigns by the various Nations to deceive/trick their opponents.
MSM & Social Media are ALL IN to discredit HCQ
Right now there is a such a focused & determined effort to limit the Public's awareness/exposure to the Doctor Summit's findings/assertions I'd call it an "ALL HAND ON DECK" moment.
They truly want this claim by Doctors who are actually treating COVID Patients to GO AWAY.
No one is safe. Not even those considered formerly "WOKE."
Madonna takes a hit right alongside Don Jr.
When it comes to this MEDIA CAMPAIGN to destroy the clarion call these Doctors sounded no one is out of range.
WHAT is driving this?
There's more to this than "GET TRUMP!" TDS
Dr. Simone Gold was fired for speaking out on HCQ's veracity as a viable therapy/cure for COVID.
Dr. Stella Immanuel has been censored & slandered by gleeful "Journalists" like garbage human Will Sommer eager to get the word out=HCQ doesn't work, DROP IT!
What is driving this?
HCQ is dangerous Cavuto?
A Frontline Doctor is mocked & slandered, another fired as THE EXPERTS who haven't been right about ONE DAMN THING since the start of this pandemic are trotted out YET AGAIN to numb out minds with word salad & charts that can be summed up as=DROP IT!
HCQ has been available for over FIFTY years.
It's approved by the FDA.
Many Doctors have prescribed it off label to treat illnesses & maladies FOR DECADES.
But suddenly, IT WILL KILL YOU?
MSM & Social Media are PANICKING.
That's PANIC, Folks, not the dissemination of information
The other day @ScottAdamsSays said something I found profound.
President Trump (who is backing the Doctors & their Summit) are erring on the side of LIFE by saying TRY HCQ (Right to Try) especially in the early stages or as a preventive measure.
If it doesn't work, well, you're out about $20.00 as the 2 drugs HCQ & Z-Pak are inexpensive.
The MSM & Social Media along with their Democrat Overlords are talking down HCQ as if it's legally distributed Cyanide.
Scott Adams=If Trump & the Doctors are wrong, you're out $20.00
If The Opposition to HCQ + Z-Pak is wrong=their campaign against HCQ will/has cost HOW MANY LIVES NEEDLESSLY?

Let me paint you a HORRIFYING picture.
This pandemic was actually a deliberately released pathogen.
The CCP was being brought to heel & it's Global CRIME SPREE was being ended thanks to America's political clout thanks to a POWERHOUSE roaring economy.
Little did we know...
A pandemic is LAUNCHED to destroy us. The WHO **and** the CDC are compromised to ensure President Trump is kept in the dark (WHO=no human to human transition is seen! A LIE) (CDC=A Travel Ban is NOT necessary!)
President Trump IGNORED both of them & acted to save American lives.
If he hadn't we would have been DECIMATED by COVID.
Our Healthcare system survived intact only due to Trump's innovative thinking & unprecedented steps taken to address the incoming pandemic.
As Democrats called him a racist scaremonger.
And made sure to ADVANCE THE SPREAD.
I do NOT think it's incompetence. Nor do I think Cuomo's blunder with the Nursing Homes WAS a blunder.
I saw Democrats doing everything they possibly could to SPREAD COVID, not contain it.
Mardi Gras was held over three WEEKS after Trump had declared a National Health Emergency.
We are now treated to the optics of thousands of BLM "Protesters" running wild on America's Streets as regular Americans are locked down & vilified for breaking mask laws & wanting to go to church.
Abuse of Citizenry on an EPIC scale.
In my STORY, the Democrats, **commanded** by THEIR Overlords, the CCP tried to ensure the deaths of MILLIONS of Americans from this pathogen.
America would collapse, Trump would be finished & that would be fine for all the interested parties.
They FAILED. UTTERLY. President Trump was too smart, too capable & weathered their storm of disinformation & duplicity.
So they launched an insurrection.
That's failing too.
Now here comes what may very well be a "magic bullet" for COVID.
Look at the Left, how they're reacting.
Scott Adams, a quiet voice of reason & calm simply asked why people can't try something that may save their lives that's readily available with a decades long history of being prescribed as opposed to DROP THAT PILL BEFORE IT KILLS YOU!!
Something is VERY WRONG here.
Is the terrible picture I just painted real?
I can't say for sure, but what I can say?
Their pushback on HCQ is frantic, irrational & clearly overreach which is what the Left always does when they're desperate to FORCE the Public to bend their knee.
To sum up=China launched a Worldwide pandemic to destroy the World's Structure that was about to end the CCP's Global Crime Spree (led by America & Trump)
The WHO & CDC assisted them.
The Democrats assisted them.
Millions of us were SUPPOSED TO DIE & the Nation was to collapse.
The CCP's "problem" would be solved & the Democrats would be back in power.
That is all that mattered to them.
This campaign against HCQ is their Pandora's Box.
As I say in this thread=These people have gone insane.
What expectation can you possibly have to censor or stop the advice of the Doctors who are ON THE GROUND treating COVID Patients?
A massive disinfo campaign like I've never seen before & all the usual Experts we've now discounted as perennially wrong.
They're DOOMED.
When the truth breaks free on HCQ all the lies, manipulation & harm the Left has done will be laid bare.
To the bone.
The American people will then be confronted by an evil so heartless & cruel, demonic, really, this will help turn many back towards faith & a spiritual calling.
What to I think is the real reason for the Anti-HCQ campaign?
COVID was supposed to wreck America & it's not.
Not even close.
So, as the Left tries to "finesse" a collapse of the US economy to " DUMP TRUMP" HCQ is the last thing they want to hear about.
It's ALL HANDS ON DECK! To discredit, censor, unperson anyone who goes against their scripted narrative of lockdowns, masks, shuttered churches, schools & businesses all done on the premise of "helping."
I predict that when this rotten Dam bursts it will herald their end.
A fate they've earned for themselves.
By engaging in such heartless & evil practices to deceive, make vulnerable & harm unto death those they oppose in this #SoulWAR

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ADDENDUM: @ScottAdamsSays sums up "THE EXPERTS" & the MSM thoughts on HCQ.
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