CBS/YouGov with Biden+1 in GA and Biden+4 in NC continues a bit of a pattern we're seeing from their state polls and their MRP-based battleground tracker: very strong results for Biden in the Sun Belt, esp for LVs, but without double digit leads in the Rust Belt
CBS/YouGov has only done two 'rust belt' polls: Biden+6 in MI and Trump+1 in OH. The MI number is their worst poll for Biden, while OH is fine. The battleground tracker puts PA/WI more in the disappointing for Biden camp: Biden+5 in PA and Biden+4 in WI
It'll be interesting to see whether this basic pattern holds up as YouGov completes more state polls. It's not an implausible pattern: in fact, it's often a somewhat more uniform shift than the other polling right now, which shows a Biden breakthrough in the Midwest
But while it's not an implausible pattern, it is a different one: it's a world with a much larger gap between the 'tipping point state' and the nation as a whole, and it's one where Biden's path to victory might better in NC/FL/AZ than WI/PA!
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