vishakha nakshatra and love triangles; a thread
so what i’ve noticed with vishaka ketu (south node) natives, is that they are often cast as the heroine in love triangles
it’s interesting to me because vishaka nakshatra literally translates to “the forked” symbolized by two branches representing the final duality in the sign of (sidereal) libra (symbolized by the weighing scales)
and the many choices that are often presented to the natives that they ultimately have to decide upon....
its the only nakshatra ruled by two deities; indra and agni but the natives would eventually have to choose between the two energies
and this theme of choice is often prevalent in movies involving them here are some examples:
vishaka ketu native keira knightley i’ve found to very frequently star in these love triangle heroine roles:
elizabeth swann in pirates of the caribbean, love triangle incurring jack sparrow and will turner
elizabeth bennet in pride and prejudice, love triangle (sorta) incurring mr darcy and mr collins
anna karenina in anna karenina, wife of a russian imperial prime minister had an affair with a cavalry officer in 19th century st petersburg
juliet in love actually, who is married to peter but has her friend mark suffers from unrequited love for her
and she stars in quite a bit more ! but i don’t wanna fill this thread up with her so onto the next example !
audrey hepburn
sabrina in sabrina; love triangle between rich brothers david and linus
job stockton in funny face; love triangle between photographer dick avery and french professor emille flossing
natasha rostova in war and peace; love triangle between aristocrats pierre and andrei
lea seydoux
junie in la belle personne; love triangle between her classmate and teacher
candy in prada candy adverts; love triangle between two men
f scott fitzgerald who has his ketu in vishakha also writes about this love triangle story course in his best known work the great gatsby, with daisy as the archetypal vishakha woman figure
and what’s really intriguing is that carey mulligan, the actress for daisy in the movie, has her ketu in vishakha as well..
vishakha nakshatra represents the dangerous powers of the love.. the burning fires of romance.. and the pain of unrequited love, the lethal force that destroys the heart of even the most powerful of men
if you liked this thread please interact with it and tell me which ketu placement you all would like me to analyze next !
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