Thread of some resources I used to educate myself more about past and modern day antisemitism
Disclaimer :
I am NOT jewish, so I tried to find sources/authors etc that are jewish bc in the end it affects them and we need to listen to their experience and learn.
Disclaimer :
These are not the only resources I used, just a few that are pretty easy access. I encourage anyone to do further research and educating themselves.
Also the resources here are in english language.
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Twitter – Thread Linked
I forgot which user originally posted these sorry.
Article/Wikipedia page – History of antisemitism

>> Remember Wikipedia links other resources at the end of an article, so feel free to look through those as well.
Articles/Website – Holocaust Rememberance 
Instagram – jewishintersectional — german
Instagram – Jennabloomm

>> just this one post
YouTube – "Antisemitism in Europe" — English (autom.) subtitles available
YouTube – "Why is anti-semitism still present in America" — English subtitles available
Youtube – "Antisemitism today" — English (autom.) subtitles available
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