13 years ago I spent 3 weeks in a medically induced coma. I had to learn to walk, talk, and eat on my own again. I delivered my twins 2 days into it. So I suffered from postpartum muscle atrophy. This was caused by pneumonia.
So now at 39 I am filing for disability. I have arthritis, neuropathy, radiculopathy, IBS, Fibromyalgia, PTSD and anxiety, chronic tension headaches and migraines, chronic nausea....
This is what those who have survived the worst of Covid have to look forward to. I don’t want to see them suffer the way I have. I will not vote for any candidate that doesn’t support Medicare for All!
Literally my hip muscles never regained full strength, it causes them to become unaligned, which causes my entire spine to be unaligned. This causes nerves to be pinched, muscle spasms, random twitches, tingling, muscle tension, and more.
I literally experience pain from head to toe everyday! So anyone that wants to judge me, can fuck off!
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