I sense the 'Gujarat model' being applied to Uttar Pradesh, to prop the CM as PM material. Consistent advertising and PR efforts in the last few weeks/months.
Also a full-page in today's Indian Express:
Result of the relentless propaganda:
Continued: today's TOI and ET, front-page!
Continued: 6 more pages in India Today, celebrating India's milk-and-honey-flowing state and the next Prime Minister of India.
Continued: In The Times of India, today - Delhi and Lucknow editions. The best state in India (according to advertisements) where "happiness abound".
Continued: "Turning disaster into opportunity"
Continued: Pages 2, 3 and 4 of today's Indian Express.
Continued: Gujarat-model of prepping India's next Prime Minister - Pages 1, 2 and 3 of Financial Express, today.
Continued: A full-page in Economic Times, today - "Surprised? Don’t be. With the Yogi Adityanath government leaving no stone unturned..."
Also replicated in The Times of India, today - Mumbai and Delhi editions.
Continued: From today's Business Standard. All hail the next Prime Minister of India.
Continued: The Project to present Aditya Yoginath as India's next Prime Minister. In today's TOI and ET, all editions - front-page.
Continued: 6 pages in The Week. India's next King... padhaar rahe hai.
Continued: UP Shining and the state's CM deserves to be India's next PM.
Followed by...
India's next Prime Minister, being 'constructed' through a meticulous PR and advertising campaign - continued. Don't bother about the actual news coming out of Uttar Pradesh... believe only the PR and advertising.
Continued, with a double-spread ad in both The Times of India and The Economic Times. For context, even the Maharashtra Govt has a full-page ad in TOI, but that's only in the Mumbai edition. UP Govt's ads are in all editions. Remember our next Prime Minister - Aditya Yoginath.
Continued, in "Project Aditya Yoginath as India's next PM":
Continued: With a stamp of approval/support by the Editor In Chief, Hindustan Hindi Daily no less, right on page 1 yesterday!
Here's The Times of India continuing to "help" project Aditya Yoginath as India's next PM. Hey TOI, if you are going to accept money from the UP Govt and promote it, even giving your own email ID for reader engagement, shouldn't you mark this as **ADVERTISEMENT**?
Continued: A State CM's promotion in faraway states like TN, AP/T, Kerala & Karnataka! India's next PM candidate being propped at taxpayers' generosity. Also notice the Times Group email ID for audience 'engagement'. Cozy arrangement, eh?
Continued: A gushing front-page advertisement presented as an editorial, propping him as the next PM material, without any disclaimer whatsoever in 'First India' - "It would not be wrong, thus, to say that this Yogi would be ‘Ajay’ for times to come".
Continued: Looks like an advertising blitzkrieg by the UP Govt today! In today's Financial Express, only in South editions - promoting UP CM in Kochi, Chennai and Bengaluru.
Continued: Positioning UP's CM as India's next PM material by advertising about his *successes* in states other than (besides) UP. The first 3 pages, no less!
Continued: All hail India's next Prime Minister, endorsed by the current PM subtly over many advertisements. I'm sure you will all vote for Aditya Yoginath Ji in large numbers and bring this long-running election campaign to a successful end.
Continued: The campaign to mount Aditya Yoginath as India's next Prime Minister using relentless advertising to drown out the not-so-flattering news.
And the campaign to position Aditya Yoginath as India's next Prime Minister chugs along smoothly using good old advertising.
Campaign continues with the same template - bombastic headlines that counter news, and all bombast endorsed by the PM himself. Can't help but marvel at this relentless campaign to *help* Indians ease into the idea of our next PM.
The campaign to normalize Aditya Yoginath and make him acceptable as India's next PM continues... slowly, steadily.
Just a minor 'setback' in the campaign to mount Aditya Yoginath as India's next Prime Minister. I'm fairly sure we Indians would look past such 'setbacks' and vote for him in big numbers.
'Minor setback' continued - the campaign will start soon with more full-page ads and fawning editorials on how UP is India's best managed state and how Aditya Yoginath is the best CM ever in the entire solar system.
After a minor setback, the campaign continues: all-edition full-page ads in Indian Exprinancial Express today, to position Aditya Yoginath as India's next PM material.
Campaign continues - a 4-page spread in the latest OPEN Magazine (dated January 11, 2021) that is only marked 'OPEN Avenues', which I presume is euphemism for 'this is paid advertising where the client can get away by saying *anything*'.
Campaign continues on an 'inconvenient' day.
Related: Indian media and journalists have spun an advertisement in Time Magazine by the Uttar Pradesh government as the American magazine’s “praise” and “appreciation” for the state’s Covid response https://bit.ly/3974jmN 
The campaign to position Aditya Yoginath as PM-to-be continues: when the news from the sorry State of Uttar Pradesh is not good, simply use paid advertising to create a perception of it being the best state in the entire Solar System. 6 pages in the latest issue of The Week.
Impact of the campaign to position Aditya Yoginath as next PM material? India Today's #MoodOfTheNation!
India Today's own December issue on best *Performing States* (reality) differs dramatically from best *Performing CMs* (perception).
The campaign to position Aditya Yoginath as "PM material" continues. Today:
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