Seeing folks freaking the fuck out that Netflix introduced a variable speed option and while I get it on one level, I’m also confused because VCRs, DVD players, and YouTube allow the same controls and in certain ways this allows for better accessibility options. 🤷‍♂️
As an academic, I also appreciate the ability to go slow mo for stylistic analysis and 1.5x speed is always nice when I’m looking to refresh a couple moments for classroom use (culling clips, finding dialogue exchanges, etc.).
Authors can’t control if readers speed read or skim. Painters can’t hold someone captive in a museum and demand they look at the differences between subtle uses of shades of blue.
A filmmaker cannot force an audience member to sit through their entire film with the utmost attention. Even before this, folks could walk out, have conversations amongst themselves, multitask while a movie played in the background, could use their phones, etc.
I just don’t see it as particularly egregious.
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