Quick recap of what brought @TheLancetPsych here.

Recently, it published a position paper on "global mental health" in the context of the pandemic. Except the paper wasn't really "global".

It had 25 authors - *almost all from rich countries*. + https://twitter.com/TheLancetPsych/status/1284134951408082954?s=19
Public health conversations monopolised by rich countries = silly, one-sided narratives on topics like social distancing, ignoring the reality of, say, India or Nigeria.

👉🏿My colleague @olutimehin's piece from Lagos: https://thecorrespondent.com/378/why-social-distancing-wont-work-for-us/50041180728-3862bf28

👉🏿My piece:
https://thecorrespondent.com/395/in-a-country-of-1-3-billion-space-isnt-just-scarce-its-taboo-try-squaring-that-with-a-pandemic/52291710020-c9c1ebbd +
This nexus of rich countries is dangerous in mental health because it wipes out critical local socio-cultural factors.

Ironically, the so-called "global mental health movement" has ended up doing just this, basically as a "front for pharma companies": +
. @ethanwatters1 has written a fabulous book on how western money + academic influence + Big Pharma created a vicious system in which an ever increasing number of "mental illnesses" are exported from the west to the rest of the world. +
It was in this context that @TheLancetPsych's omission of voices from low/middle income countries in its global mental health position paper after Covid sparked outrage.

Remember, the pandemic and the narrative of 'borders don't matter' already pose a threat to local knowledge.+
In its latest editorial, @TheLancetPsych acknowledges all these problems and promises to #DoBetter.

It acknowledges @MajiHailemariam and @netshrink's exhortations.

It commits to promoting
- greater diversity in research
- questioning who benefits from this research +
As an editor-turned-reporter, I also appreciate the fact that editors have taken responsibility for this lapse. To give credit where it's due, co-authors of the paper, such as @viscidula, did step forward to take responsibility and promised to do better. +
To be sure, one journal editorial can achieve only so much. As @Dee_Knipe says, it remains to be seen how @TheLancetPsych will *implement* its promises.

But for starters, this is a big, exciting shake-up for global mental health.

Cheers to that 🙌🏿 <Fin> https://twitter.com/Dee_Knipe/status/1289206281887076353?s=19
PS: The fight against dogma and western hegemony in psychiatry has lessons for us all. This whole episode proves that if you speak with facts and conviction - and speak again and again - you *CAN* get even the most monolithic power centres to listen and change things. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
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