On March 14th, as we went into lockdown, I leaped and signed up to complete a Diversity & Inclusion Certification. As my experience and interest in creating better systems in sport as it relates to D&I grew over the last few years, I started to wonder what’s next.
Following the lead of an amazing woman I admire, Andrea Carey, and with the support of a champion of mine, I embarked in the process of applying and receiving my Certification as a Canadian Diversity & Inclusion Professional.
As the weeks went by and I studied for the exam and turned to write my dossier, the current unrest in the US started to flood our feeds, minds, and souls in a way it never had before.
I began to read every post and article, watch every video and documentaries I could get my hands on, listen to podcasts, and read books never feeling like it was enough. How could I be attempting to receive this Certification when there was so much I didn’t know.
When I was a cis White, able-bodied woman in Canada with so much privilege and access, it was uncomfortable as it should be.
It took me weeks to write my dossier, finishing it with only hours left to submit.
After many attempts I put forward an outline of my experience and work. A decade of supporting the Paralympic movement in Canada and beyond, years of developing better awareness and tools to understand the systematic barriers in sport better
I am incredibly proud of what I have accomplished as it relates to disability sport, gender equity and safe spaces for LGTBQ+ athletes since I first started as a volunteer at a wheelchair rugby event in 2011. I recognize that work in these spaces is never done..
Iam very aware of my deficit in some areas of d&i and I will continue to educate myself to lead more inclusively and not to try and place myself at the center of the work that should be guided by athletes with a disability, LGTBQI2S athlete & BIPOC athletes and coaches
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